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A strange disease.

Sat Apr 02, 2011 12:24 am

If you logged on April 1st, you would notice that your pets have a strange disease. What is this? Some April fools prank? It advises you to go to the hospital for a cure, there you find the cures to the disease, but you can't cure your own pet. It seem that the effects of the cures are temporary (about 30 minutes apparently). There you will also find information about the outbreak and various informations.

Now then, here is the interesting part. You would think, as it was released on April 1st, that it is a prank; right? Well, the news on the 2nd of April continues the story it looks like, well according to the news page anyway.

What could be happening to neopia?

A new plot? Unlikely as the latest one only just finished.

A April fools prank? Plausible, but it continued on April 2nd, strange.

A small site event? Again plausible, although why so soon after a plot?

There is a timer counting down to midnight on the hospital page, only time will tell what this outbreak has in store for us...

And another thing, by curing peoples pets with soup, there is a possibility of gaining a cool background!

Re: A strange disease.

Sat Apr 02, 2011 2:05 am

If I recall correctly, the news posted on the first (for the second) often contains the "prank"; sometimes it's later deleted and the real news is posted. I'm assuming this is the April Fool's prank, since it's so similar to last year's. In addition, my pet caught Chickaroo (I think from the Wheel of Excitement), and she had two links to the hospital. However, the chickaroo disappeared a short time later (without her being healed), presumably because they were still tinkering with the prank.

Re: A strange disease.

Sat Apr 02, 2011 1:10 pm

It was a prank apparently, all the pets are cured and the hospital page has changed. It's shame really, it was rather interesting. At least I got a cool background out of it.

Re: A strange disease.

Sat Apr 02, 2011 2:47 pm

I agree, lemonade. I had suggested they do an outbreak plot a while ago, because that could inspire all kinds of interesting puzzles. I guess they figured it'd make a good prank instead.

It wasn't as terrible as Neoplants, but I thought it was in the bottom half of all TNT's pranks. Ah, well, you can't hit it out of the park every try. At least they're still trying.

Re: A strange disease.

Sat Apr 09, 2011 6:50 am

I missed out on all of this, so I don't quite know what all the fuss was about. Perhaps that's better? ;)

Re: A strange disease.

Tue Apr 12, 2011 2:28 am

Wasn't much of a fuss, but then again I was only on for about 15 minutes on 4/1... I did manage to snag the spiffy background though, Thanks to Siniri!
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