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Daily Dare 2012!

Fri Mar 09, 2012 7:29 am

Daily Dare 2012 has begun!
TNT wrote:We heard from AAA himself that Daily Dare is here! Not only that, but he somehow figured out how to reactivate the new Games Room. YAY! AAA is so clever!
Image Yes! The New Games Room is BACK, and it's all thanks to yours truly. That'll teach King Roo not to get between a Games Master and his games!
Thanks, AAA! Also, don't forget day one is officially on the 8th, so if you're seeing this on the 7th, you've got extra time to complete the first challenge!

Click me! Link to 2012 Double Dare

Day 1: Snowmuncher
AAA Score: 2,538
Snowmuncher Ice Block Foreground

Abi Score: 1,024
Im Too Full! The Dieter Story

Day of prize:
Snowmuncher Snowglobe

Day 2: Carnival of Terror [Team Challenge]
AAA Score: 354
Evil Clown Repellant

Abi Score: 245 ... lclown.gif
Bit of Evil Clown

Day of Prize:
Hiding from Clowns Blanket

Team Challenge Prize:
Roo Island Pier Background

Re: Daily Dare 2012!

Fri Mar 09, 2012 2:35 pm

Today's a team challenge. Are they going to have double dare challenges, too?

Apparently Daily Dare is much shorter this year -- can't say that I mind, really. AAA's scores are much lower than in years past (today's is 354 in Carnival of Terror), too.

Re: Daily Dare 2012!

Thu Mar 15, 2012 8:22 pm

I've been rather consistent with this, if only because it's being offered. That, and I'm curious on how many "bugs" we will need to clear in order to clean up the game room. It's certainly dashed the price of many items, making the world filled with countless Angelpuss. And you thought we had to worry about Meepits? :evil:

Re: Daily Dare 2012!

Wed Mar 21, 2012 1:23 am

Today's game (Ghostboppers) was very frustrating because it wouldn't let me play with my "number pad" (a group of letters on my keyboard) because the game didn't recognize that my Number Lock key was turned on and wouldn't let me proceed without it. So I had to play with the keyboard settings, but the keys TNT picked are not aligned very well. I used to rock this game when I had a separate keyboard (high score well over 1000), but I had to play 3 times just to beat AAA.

Ah, well. Most of AAA's scores have been pretty easy; the only game I really struggled with Super Hasee Bounce (I can regularly score in the 800's when it's the featured game, but give me a specific score to beat, and I'll struggle every time).

Re: Daily Dare 2012!

Wed Mar 21, 2012 5:16 am

I had the same frustrating issue with the number pad, using two different browsers and two different computers.

Since I've been unable to really play the games this year, I settled for Abi and the "day of" prize today.

Re: Daily Dare 2012!

Mon Mar 26, 2012 7:57 am

I managed gold this year. :)

The hardest games for me where Gwyl's Great Escape - I really don't like these type of games and it was torture to have to keep playing it. Ghost Bopper was almost my downfall. I play on a laptop, luckily I could use numlock, but it meant having to turn the whole laptop around and playing sideways when the numbers rotated. I did get AAA's score and my highest ever. :)

Doing Faerie Bubbles for the DD gave me a new interest in trying for the avi, so with the guide in one window and the game in the other, I tried for almost 4 hours....and finally beat the game to get the avi. Yay!!



Abigails Compact
Daily Dare Through the Years
Roo Island Pier Playset
Petpetpet Covered Foreground
10,000 NP
and Site Theme *

Abigails Compact
Daily Dare Through the Years
Roo Island Pier Playset
8,000 NP
and Site Theme *

Abigails Compact
Daily Dare Through the Years
4,000 NP

Abigails Compact
1,000 NP

* If you have already won this theme in a previous DD, you do not get it again.
Last edited by Daze on Mon Mar 26, 2012 10:15 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Re: Daily Dare 2012!

Mon Mar 26, 2012 12:54 pm

I didn't do so great this year, but I did manage to finish each day (just not all on day of)


Re: Daily Dare 2012!

Tue Mar 27, 2012 8:04 pm

I also got gold this year. For me, the hardest game was Super Hasee Bounce, which kept glitching on me (I'm an ace at that game when it's not for a specific score, but give me a goal and it'll take ages. The worst was the score I had over 800 that had the won't-jump-off-the-platform glitch with 4 lives left. None of the others were really horrible for me. I was a bit scared when I saw Gwyl's (since it was higher than my high score), but I used a guide and got it first try (I also am not a big fan, so I tend to quit as soon as I get the requisite score).

The prizes were okay, but I was a little sad that there weren't any water/island- themed games (so I could get more items for my beach gallery). I did like that it was shorter; this felt about the right length. Here's hoping they shorten the AC, too!
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