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Happy Halloween!

Thu Oct 31, 2013 6:46 pm

Today on Neopets, you can enjoy the Halloween side bar, play Deadly Dice all day (I think?), and... is that it? Really? No trick-or-treat bags?

Re: Happy Halloween!

Thu Oct 31, 2013 7:09 pm

No trick or treating? Seriously? We had trick or treating before the Masks even showed up...this is the first year since...I'm not sure when...that we've not had it. It's one of my favorite things about Halloween on Neo, since I'm way past the age of trick or treating in real life. TNT, I am disappointed. :(

Anyways, Happy Halloween everyone.

Re: Happy Halloween!

Thu Oct 31, 2013 7:43 pm

You're not trick or treating in real life? Heh. You will be in a few years :)

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Re: Happy Halloween!

Fri Nov 01, 2013 1:56 am

Blue wrote:You're not trick or treating in real life? Heh. You will be in a few years :)

Little P is still a little young for it (mainly because bedtime is so early still), not to mention that after having been out in the cold and wind for over an hour at the harvest festival was more than enough for us this year (though he had fun and didn't want to leave).'s more fun if *you're* the one getting the treats! :P That's what I liked about the Neo trick or treating! Ah well...

Re: Happy Halloween!

Fri Nov 01, 2013 2:25 am

He'll be trick or treating in no time. And... isn't it the parent's responsibility to "inspect" all candy before their child can have it? :evil:

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Re: Happy Halloween!

Fri Nov 01, 2013 2:55 am

It is a shame, I would prefer bags to masks (even though we didn't even get them this year), so I hope TNT have some surprise in store for us with the ending of the SFC event.

Edited. Because, apparently I play Neopets in my sleep and don't remember getting my ToT bags last year or the year before.

Checked my SDB and I have them for last year and the year before!

Re: Happy Halloween!

Sat Nov 09, 2013 8:28 pm

Blue wrote:And... isn't it the parent's responsibility to "inspect" all candy before their child can have it? :evil:
Actually, that's not an option for us - it's a really important responsibility because of Little P's serious food allergies. We're still hoping he'll outgrow the allergies, but if he doesn't, Halloween will actually start being very stressful for myself and Mr. P in the next year or two - especially until he's old enough to really understand why some things are safe and others aren't. :( At least he's not old enough to know what he's missing out on yet! (Also, here's hoping Baby P doesn't have the same allergies!)

And yeah, the TOT bags were part of the Masks quests. It seems silly to have skipped out on them just because of the cart being smashed (just cause we don't have new masks shouldn't mean we can't go trick or treating!). Why not just go back to the way it was before at the very least - even if they picked new random locations or something for the bags to be?

ETA: For those that don't read the editorial:
Trick or treat! *hands you an empty bag* My Neopets are sad. See, only ONE of them could participate in the event, but they ALL get to open trick-or-treat bags! I'm sad, too. Nobody gives candy to a fifty-something woman, and my kid doesn't need me to dress him up and hold his hand anymore. He's 6'4" now. Soooo... could you maybe, possibly, make an old lady and her 'pets happy next year and bring back trick-or-treating? Pleeeeeze? *big, sad Puppyblew eyes* ~prplecat
We didn't quite realise just how... passionate you guys were over Neopets trick-or-treating until we saw the aftermath on the boards / fan sites! A brief explanation: we wanted to do a small storyline event for Halloween-time this year, and so Saskia was replaced. Her trick-or-treating mechanic didn't really fit in with monster hunting, so we went with puzzle / event prizes as a replacement for candy / bags. Since y'all really like your trick-or-treat bags, we'll definitely attempt to squeeze in time for them next year (whether Saskia herself makes a return or not). x_X

Yay! At least we'll get our TOT bags back next year!
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