For Neopets ONLY discussion.
Wed Feb 01, 2023 7:25 pm
The Neopies have started again!
GO VOTE!!!Relevant rules:
Voting begins on February 1st NST. The winner of the final category is announced on February 21st 2022.
Each category will be available to vote on for three days, with the exception of the first category, which will be available to vote on for four days. If you vote on a category the first day that it's up, you'll see a dark blue border around your choice. If your vote is not cast until either the 2nd or 3rd day, then your selection will have a light blue around it.
This year's Neopies contain a total of 17 categories. A new category will be added each day during the event, with the exception of the second day, until all that remains is to vote on the last two categories. Since categories remain posted for a period of up to three days, you can have as many as three categories to vote on at one time.
If you want to receive the bonus prize at the end of the event -- and we know that you do -- you'll need to cast a vote for every category on the day (or, in the case of the first category, day-and-a-half) that it's posted.
The prize pool looks pretty awesome this year. So far, 2 (relatively new) stamps have been awarded, plus a R93 charm (that's currently 6 mil).
Day 1 prize: Moltaran Petpets and How to Get Them
Thu Feb 02, 2023 2:02 am
Yay!(?) Neopies!
I had to refresh my memory on these as to what they were and which was my favorite. Voted!
Voting Prize: Stealthy Gelert Plushie
Thu Feb 02, 2023 2:11 pm
Bah humbug. I don't have a dark blue border around my day 1 vote, even though I voted in the first day and a half as the rules said to.
Submitting a ticket.
I was pretty sure I wanted to vote for the latest AC comic, but I wanted to make sure. I was lazy, so I just reread our comments here. That was the only one I commented positively on, so it got my vote.
Edit: I can't find the help button to even submit a ticket on the mobile version of the site. Guess I'll have to go to one of the unconverted pages and submit from there. Which daily was that again?....
Edit: found the link. It's at the bottom of each page above the bottombar.
Thu Feb 02, 2023 7:00 pm
I barely noticed a blue border on my selected vote. It might be there, but it's really small.
Thu Feb 02, 2023 7:28 pm
The blue border is indeed VERY small. It matches the same color as the "Your Vote" notice on mine.
No new category to vote on today. Two of my littles got stamps yesterday. One of each of the two. I recommended they sell them if they can before the prices drop, do so, and then buy them again when they're cheaper. The two stamps will probably never recover back to where they are now (they're both relatively new and will eventually drop, but this definitely is speeding the process along). Now, the charm on the other hand, is a R93, and who knows how far that will come down.
Thu Feb 02, 2023 11:07 pm
The blue border is there now. It wasn't before. They did respond to my ticket and confirm that it's there.
I forgot to share my prize. Woodland Flotsam Plushie
Not a stamp or charm, but maybe tomorrow?
Fri Feb 03, 2023 5:47 pm
Day 2 prize: Chocolate Koi Cupcake
No such luck for me. I'm expecting it probably won't happen, even if I'd wish it. ;p
I'm glad it's showing up now, Siniri! And also that TNT responded to your ticket so quickly! I had to put in one earlier last week when I had an issue and they got back to me pretty fast, too.
Sat Feb 04, 2023 6:18 pm
Day 2 prize: Slorg Habitat
I guess they did not like my vote?
Day 3 Prize: Symol Backpack
Sat Feb 04, 2023 7:44 pm
Day 3: Elegant Cup of Tea
No such luck with anything exciting today. Ah, well.
Sun Feb 05, 2023 4:09 pm
Managed to forget day 2 on the day of. Bah. A lot going on... My housemate was sick, and today she flew to visit her mom who's been transferred to hospice. My own mom had surgery Tuesday (hip replacement), plus work is crazy.
I bet the collectable is a stamp. Bah. Oh, well. Real life is more important, and I don't actually collect stamps anyway.
At least I got nice daily prizes:
Princess Terrana Collectable Charm
Chomby collectable spoon
Edit: Eliv Thade Sandwich
First result out:
2nd: 1
Sun Feb 05, 2023 8:40 pm
Wow, Siniri! You got the charm! It was worth 6 mil before this event started. No clue what it's worth now, but lucky you! Bummer on missing out on day 2 day of, though.
Day 4 prize: Simple Techo Slingshot
Mon Feb 06, 2023 5:53 am
Bummer, Siniri! RL is more important. Hopefully you mom is doing ok, and your roommate is feeling better.
Day 4: Jhudora Compact
Mon Feb 06, 2023 4:17 pm
Day 5: Eyrie Golden Hand Mirror
Yeah....I'm guessing that I probably won't get any of the album items, despite the fact that I do actually collect. At least they'll be cheaper by the end of the event? Hopefully?
Mon Feb 06, 2023 10:23 pm
Day 5: Prize: Illusens Golden Brush
Today's choice was super easy for me. I saw my answer before even looking at the other 3. How 'bout dat?
If I actually get a stamp, you are welcome to it. I also do not have a stamp album. Well, maybe I do, but it probably has only 1 stamp in it. Or not.
I am currently 0 for 2 on guessing the popular vote. So, that means the others are wrong... Flan? Really? Flan!?
Tue Feb 07, 2023 4:36 pm
Well, I'd have blown the day of prize yesterday, too, but at least I don't have to stress anymore since it's already done.
Day 5: Squeaky Moach Toy
Day 6: Jelly Shaped Blumaroo
1st: 1
2nd: 1
3rd: 1
Weirdly, there's no obvious indication I voted for the winner. I know I definitely did because I always make sure to refresh and that there's nothing left on my ballot. But I also only listed two prizes on Sunday when it should have been three. But also, it would have been the middle one Sunday, and I definitely selected that item. Not really sure at this point. Did it glitch and me not notice? Am I going to miss out on the vote in every category prize too? Guess only time will tell...
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