Jacob, they say they're considering making the challengers increase in difficulty again. Somehow.
I'm trying to get a prize from each challenger, going down the list. I haven't gotten a single prize from any of the challengers in Pango Palladium; if you're just trying to get your 15 items and be done, avoid them. Beating Punchbag Bob is much quicker.
I just beat the Giant Ghostkerchief on insane, mostly because I stole his awesome reflector. But it's been glitchy today; twice now it's made me rebattle the same guy without me telling it too... and guess who the second one was? Yeah, I have less than half health. Not feeling too keen on my odds. [leaves to conduct battle] Yep. This time I stole his Ghoskershield and healed on the first turn, leaving me with 143 HP. Unfortunately, he reflected my Ylana's blaster back at me, and it went right through his shield (189 damage). Guess I
might have had one more turn had I used my Downsize!, but he still had over 700HP. *sigh* Time to find a healing potion. Oh, and the jerk didn't even give me a prize for beating him the first time! I'll take his reflector, please.
ETA: And now I'm stuck in a fight. I lost and got the defeated message, got sent back to the main BD page, tried to heal... and was told I couldn't do that in a fight. I keep trying to re-enter the fight (so I can lose it again) but get redirected to the main battle page. I can't heal because I'm in a battle; I can't battle because I'm not healed. The battledome address changes to "http://www.neopets.com/dome/?error=nohealth." Thank you, TNT, so friggin' helpful. NOT.