Siniri wrote:
That's how I felt when they closed the AC prize shop with no warning one year.
I was hit with that I think the same year. I'm missing a stamp because of it, and it's now virtually impossible to get as it's on an avatar-awarding page.
Your comment about that, however, made me remember to go redeem my AC points late last night. I didn't go for the 33k+ and 8.8k+ I could've in individual items, because my hands would've hurt too bad (with the clunky multi-click redemption process and scrolling down for the Staff shop) and I don't have that much time, but at least I cleared out my points before they abruptly closed it again.
Here's hoping they reopen the shops, so that anyone that hasn't spent their points still can! Unfortunately, with how they've been acting lately, I'd be surprised if they did. We're likely to get another "you've had a year, you knew it was coming, so why didn't you do anything about it, it's your fault not ours" like they did the other time it happened. I mean, if they cut down 100k+ prize shop points through the points conversion, why wouldn't they just wipe out all the points for the AC shop?
I've been tempted to write a long email to support about how they've handled things lately, and how they're antagonizing their most dedicated users, but I don't have the time to mess with it. I've got enough to stress me out IRL right now, and I definitely don't need to waste any extra emotional energy on this.
P.S. Sorry that this post is so bitter.