While I was typing this, Pickles shared her daily results, so I guess this will be a new post. I wanted to track what I've gotten so far and see what else I'm hoping for. My earlier spins were amazing, but 7 of my last 8 spins were duds. Then again, the eighth one was my second stamp, so I need to remember there are plenty of days left to get the avatar.
Prizes so far: PB* +40 stats (20 HP, 10 str, 10 def) 2x Stamp* Plot item (20k NP Jazans guyliner -- was I just really unlucky, or is there a limited pool? Yes and yes) 3x Retired item (170 NP cheap reading glasses/unwearable gift, 50k NP Caring for Your Neopet 3/book, 1200 NP butterlicious bun -- wow, there are a ton of low value items, so I was lucky to get the book) 2x NC item (Bedtime Petpet Plushies x2* -- there are only a few I like, but getting 2 identical I don't seems unlucky -- but I have no idea about relative values) 25k
* I don't think I'm interested in the PB at all, and definitely not in the plushies, and I only need one stamp, so these are available to trade if anyone misses out.
Prizes still wanted, in rough order of desire (not necessarily value): Avatar Celebratory Confetti Cannon (this is the space it hovered on today, getting my hopes up) Dyeworks Blue: Starry Glowstone Path Background (NC) Splashing Flotsam Beach Background (NC) Under the Maraquan Sea Filter (NC) Anubis Toxicology Reports (Abridged) (plot) Sailing Into the Sunset (plot) Faeries Ruin Negg (plot) Mysterious Obelisk Stamp (plot) (probably have on frozen) Ultimate Battlefield Background (plot) (probably have on frozen) Any of the other retired books PPPB
Maybe I can trade my wearable plushies for one of the other NC items? And the retired items will be a relative bargain to buy on the SW even if I don't land on them. I will be really salty if I miss out on the avvie and disappointed if I don't get the cannon, but this wheel is really very generous, and we're not even halfway! Fingers crossed for at least those two!
Not sure how the merch discount code works. Is it just for physical things like plushies? Or NC items? And is it transferrable? I don't have the challenger you get for entering a rare item code on this account (I got it on my main through a friend, then transferred the item to them). If the code is for physical things and can be transferred, I'm happy to pass any I get along to you, Pickles.
Blue graffitied on my signature... But it made me laugh, so it's all good!