2nd August
* If you are trying to figure out what to get for a friend as a gift, you might like one of these items from Island Merchandise.
* Today's Site Spotlight award is shared by artisticpotter and peiceofpotter for their site - The Petpet Hall of Fame.
* YIKES! Be careful that your Petpet doesn't get infested with this critter. It might look cute and innocent, but don't trust it.
* Well done, kumar_agent_008! You have just won the latest User Lookup of the Week with your Meridell design.
* This week's PPL award has been given to the Fire Airax. Well done mini -Blinding_flash, Stormwing, Jalapeno, Eyefire, and all the others.
* You can now send your friends one of these Greetings.
* Illusen thinks that she is Better Than You at Snowball Fight.
* Alien Aisha Ears can now be worn by the Kiko, Koi, Korbat, Kougra, Lutari, Meerca, Moehog, Mynci and Nimmo.
I think I have the right frequency!
* The latest videos are out and ready for you to view on Neovision! Why not take a look at some of these great videos like Nellie has a cold or Sloth the Scammer. Congratulations to the winners!
If you want a chance to have your videos viewed by others on Neopets why not submit them?
* A new Lenny Conundrum competition has begun. The answer to last week's was 104669. 4060 people guessed the correct answer earning themselves 493 NP each.
* You can now decorate your desktop with this new Shenkuu Background.
* Congrats to poopypop2, winner of the Pirate Cave Of The Week.
* These creepy weapons are now on sale in the Haunted Weaponry Shop.