17th October
* Collectors rejoice, because today is the:
* Collectors Jubilee * * New collector keyrings are now on sale in the Toy Shop.
* Stamp collecting is the theme for the User Lookup of the Week!
* Get into the mood for collecting by using our billboard image as your Background.
* rnply has a wonderful collection of balloons, and that is why they have won this week's Gallery Spotlight!
* Collectors will be thrilled to hear that there is a new collectors album page where you can collect these adorable charms from the Toy Shop.
* Everyone who enjoys collecting will adore these new Fun Images.
* There is a new Mystery Pic competition. The answer to the last one was Ruins Rampage Screenshot. 163 people guessed correctly, earning them 12,270 NP each.
* NC Mall Update - Neocash cards are here! If you live in the US, you can now visit your local Target store to pick up a Neocash Card (instead of using PayPal). Click here for more information!
* OOH... AAH... there is a special Limited Edition Fair Maiden QUIGUKI Doll with it's own fancy glass case now available at the Toy Shop!
This is perfect for my collection!
* Congratulations to sweettemptazn, creator of FLY OR DIE. and winner of the latest Meridell Castle Spotlight award!
* And finally, usuki collectors should hurry down to Usukiland to get these great sets.
* Issue #25 of the Neopets Magazine is now available in stores.