Yeah I saw that today when I adblocked a Wingoball ad. I think it's just another site they own, likely just to host their own banner ads and possibly actual sponsor ads, so kind of like that I have all blocked too, heh, stuff like Cheetos and Bratz and whatever else they have contracts with. I guess what I mean is I don't think it's another one of those 3rd party ad sites that always seem to have "ad" "media" "click" etc in their site names that just generate a bunch of random ads.
I realize how scatterbrained this post is, I've had a long day lol, but bottom line is I don't think it's something you need to be worried about unless you're like me and adblock anything that appears at the top/bottom/side of the page because you're grouchy and don't like flashy things blinking at you as you try to read