Kaia is now giving out Faerie Quests and are for Neocash items but with a twist!!
You will get Kaia either from a random or Cookie quest, but you need to have a NC item in inventory to get her quest.
Kaia's quests are a cross between Delina and an Upcycle Cookie. You need to have Neocash items in your inventory - time to drag out all those little bits and pieces you don't want or grab them for free off the Money Tree.
Kaia will ask for one of the Neocash items in your inventory.
You'll get to select which item you want to give her.
You need to buy a Pink Paper Bag

for 75 NC to give her your item.
Kaia's rewards are NC items.
Wow! Talk about being disappointed.

We already have Delina quests.
TNT could have had so much fun with this new quest. So many possibilites. Instead we get another NC cash grab.