Since this plot ended around... let's see.. around 13 years ago, I figured I would post this here instead of the plot sub-thread.
On a whim, I was poking around the Deserted Fairgrounds after scratching a card from Ssidney and said to myself, "Hmm. Castle Nox. What was in there again...?" Clicked and entered. Went into the "Green" room. NC Stuff. Nope. Clicked on the Yellow Room. Huh. Faerie's Ruin. Ended. Prize shop link.... Clicked on the prize shop link...
Lo, and Behold! I still have 105k plot points to spend.
I might need to pick up some of Jazan's Guyliner!
Or, I could get a baker's dozen of Altador Strength Potions and boost my battle pet's strength by 65.
Decisions, decisions... Maybe I should wait another 13.8 years before getting anything at all.