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Hospitals and Healing Competition - On Furcadia! Host = me.

Thu Dec 30, 2004 11:58 pm

I posted this a few minutes earlier on the Furcadia forums... and decided to alert you PPTers to this also. I'll note, about the Unfogivable trophies... they probably won't be given out, but if someone does something like kill my character on purpose, in a particularly gruesome manner, they're liable to get it.

Welcome! As 2004 comes to an end, I, Oakleaf Evolution, (Known IRL an on my favorite forums as Eo, or Dernhelm) am forming a contest known as the Hospitals and Healing Competition. It's gonna be an annual thing, and prizes will be awarded (sparingly- I'm saving up for those wings too, y'know.)

All hospitals I can find over the course of 2005 on Furcadia will be given a try (I won't tell you how, but I have a special plan worked out and each hospital will have me entering the same way). Also, any furres reccomended as healing-beasts will recieve the same treatment. As well as prizes, Unforgivable trophies will be awarded. Trust me, you don't want one of these babies. It takes more than a shoddy ":fixes" to get one of these... you have to be really, really awful.

First and second will recieve digos (Unless I recieve donations, they're liable to be somewhat crappy ones.) Third will recieve a virtual Free coupon for a coloured art commission from yours truly, and four honorable mentions will recieve a small sketch of their character, in B/W.

All Unforgivable trophies will be listed on a web-page I have yet to create. Even after they year's contest is over, they will remain on this list... Because the truly bad among you need recognition.

Anyway... send whispers to Oakleaf Evolution, and E-mails to Good luck!

Fri Dec 31, 2004 1:02 am

Bill is for Neopets-related advertisements, so I think this'd go into P&P
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