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Topic locked A cool flash RPG. Animated Quest.

Wed Feb 02, 2005 1:08 am

I just started a game there. It looks pretty cool.

I just started playing and I have to say, the graphics are kind of cute. They look really cartoony, but I like the set up. I wish neopets could make the battledome like this. I mean, you can actually see yourself fighing a monster. And if you get a pet, your pet can help. But you don't have to get a pet I guess. I am fighting a flying eyeball thing right now, and my guide, who looks sort of like a kacheek or an evie is telling me how to fight it. And this whole site is made just with flash. I don't know why neopets can't have a game like this.

Wed Feb 02, 2005 1:58 am

I've been only been able to play that game very little since the free server is always overfull (I'm not sure how much has changed in the game since I last played a few months ago.) I wasn't that impressed by the game since a lot of mechanics are tedious to a new player.

And I also found it a pain to give feedback to this game since they require a grace period of three months to post on their forums.

Tue Feb 15, 2005 1:13 am

yeah, i love that... my guys level 20 and i still cant get on...

the only thing is that i just dont want to pay 13$ for gaurdian thing bcause of the fact that its not worth it for stuff ONLINE since theres free stuff.. i'm gonna e-mail the guy about that... but if its still in beta then its OK to raise money that way cause alot of geeks will do it...

Sun Mar 20, 2005 5:26 pm

I've played this game for almost two months, i think it should be long enough to decide whether if it's good or not.

1. it's a 2-D game, which is considered as outdated in the world we live in.
2. it's a single player game with no any connections to the other players what so ever.
3. the graphic was terrible.
4. There is no goal, other than finishing quests ...
5. Player who had paid a fee have way greater advantages than those who did not.
6. The server is congested most of the time - it's like i can only access the game like twice a week.

Any comments are welcomed.

Sun Mar 20, 2005 5:36 pm


And it's free!


Fri Mar 25, 2005 8:44 pm

It's fun yet bland. Great for relieving stess by destroying zombies... Better than stuff like UT because on UT I almost broke my mouse hitting the machine gun so fast...

Sat Mar 26, 2005 2:26 am

It seems pretty cute. I don't know too much about it, but I just signed up and I'm creating a character. It seems everyone has complaints about never getting on the server...I'll just have to see about that.

Sat Mar 26, 2005 8:05 am

Ah Adventure Quest. I remember you. I used to play you all the time. Then I discovered the superior Runescape. Oh well.
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