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My webcomic site :)

Sat Apr 02, 2005 3:29 am

Me and a few freinds started up a webcomic a few weeks ago, we haven't got a real layout yet (still drawing it) but theres a comic up :) I'd like some feedback (i know the layouts very poo)

I dont draw the comics though, so dont worry :)

Sun Apr 03, 2005 12:18 pm


Actually, that's a pretty good site.

If I were you, I'd keep the web page simple, nothing too special, otherwise you'll have people like me complaining that it takes too long to load up on this crappy 2000 something something computer :P

The comics are pretty good. The stick figure one was hilarious. But the other ones are excellently drawn. Really, really well done.

Keep it up. I'm looking forward to checking out the site when it's done.


Sun Apr 03, 2005 5:26 pm

teh0mega wrote:
If I were you, I'd keep the web page simple, nothing too special, otherwise you'll have people like me complaining that it takes too long to load up on this crappy 2000 something something computer :P

One of the computers at my house is from 1998 or 1999 and it works fine. We have only added an 80 gig, a promise card, and a couple other things and it runs great. It loads pages pretty fast too.

Mon Apr 04, 2005 1:42 pm

teh0mega wrote:ALL HAIL -DUCKY-

Actually, that's a pretty good site.

If I were you, I'd keep the web page simple, nothing too special, otherwise you'll have people like me complaining that it takes too long to load up on this crappy 2000 something something computer :P

The comics are pretty good. The stick figure one was hilarious. But the other ones are excellently drawn. Really, really well done.

Keep it up. I'm looking forward to checking out the site when it's done.


Ya think? Awesome :) I downloaded about 300 fonts off so i'm gunna re-do the images (maybe even put a logo instead of writing *logo* :P) But thanks for your thoughts!!!

What did you think of hte w00t or be wh00t strip? (the newest one, you may not have seen it). I'd love to know what you think it should be spelt :D

Tue Apr 05, 2005 6:11 am

The 'wh00t, w00t' comic was hilarious XD Of course, you need to be net savvy to get the joke though. Fortunately most people are, so w00t!

I spell it w00t myself, but I've known others to spell it with an h.

Tue Apr 05, 2005 6:55 pm

Nice site. The best comics I can draw look something like the first one in the archives. Keep up the good work.

Thu Apr 07, 2005 9:22 am

:) I'll remember to message you teh0mega when i put the next comic up :D

I changed it from the boring fonts to some new... fancyier ones :) I took int he feed back on it being plain and nice, and seeing as i wont be getting the layout image (exams :() for a while i figured i'd make a nice plain layout!

Thu Apr 07, 2005 11:29 am

Please do :) The site looks nice, plain and simple, yet cool and effective. Tis good. Very good.

The one thing I've found annoying is how so many people live under the belief that the fancier your site is, the more people you will have that will check it out.

Look at maddox! That bloke's website is as plain as pie, and he gets millions of hits. Same as google!

Sat Apr 16, 2005 10:07 pm

I just read this thread and just after I started making MY sprite comics =O
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