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PPT IRC Channel

Sat Mar 22, 2008 2:41 am

I have set up an IRC channel on

It is #PPT

It has a werewolf bot for werewolf games! Any requests for other bots?

Re: PPT IRC Channel

Sat Mar 22, 2008 9:54 am

Woo! *copy and paste into browser*

"Seriously, there's nothing here, therefor we're so kind to redirect you to a place where a LOT is, click here if nothing happens while you come in and feel the chill!!!"

*is redirected*
*clicks IRC* Uh.. what now? I clicked enter, and it just keeps trying to connect me, with errors... I'm confused.

Re: PPT IRC Channel

Sun Mar 23, 2008 4:29 am

Helena wrote:Woo! *copy and paste into browser*

"Seriously, there's nothing here, therefor we're so kind to redirect you to a place where a LOT is, click here if nothing happens while you come in and feel the chill!!!"

*is redirected*
*clicks IRC* Uh.. what now? I clicked enter, and it just keeps trying to connect me, with errors... I'm confused.

You have to use an IRC client to access an IRC server or channel. Try downloading Mirc.
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