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Tue Oct 26, 2004 6:17 pm

If you like neopets, you will LOVE was designed to provide a fun, friendly environment.

While we only allow one account per player (to keep everything fair), you can have 4 pets, 3 shops and 4 minis. With boosters you can increase this to 8 pets, 6 shops and 12 minis!

Many quests, hidden areas, and very fun.
Built in protection against hacking, heavily monitored to prevent scamming.

Why not check us out today?

P.S. We know Powerpets isn't for everyone. It's a personal choice. If you like us, great, if not, also great. All that matters to us is that YOU have a good time!

Thu Oct 28, 2004 11:07 pm

I love Powerpets....but at the same time hate it because it ices all of my accounts and won't respond to my emails. x.x;

I highly reccomend joining.

Tue Nov 02, 2004 3:49 pm

.:Requiem:. wrote:I love Powerpets....but at the same time hate it because it ices all of my accounts and won't respond to my emails. x.x;

I highly reccomend joining.

The clearly state that you are to have 1 and only 1 account. If caught violating this your account is terminated. They also do not respond to email about that because it is final... please see the T & C.

I personally like both PP & NP:) I'm active at both.

Sun Dec 05, 2004 1:10 am

Pteri Sage wrote:
.:Requiem:. wrote:I love Powerpets....but at the same time hate it because it ices all of my accounts and won't respond to my emails. x.x;

I highly reccomend joining.

The clearly state that you are to have 1 and only 1 account. If caught violating this your account is terminated. They also do not respond to email about that because it is final... please see the T & C.

I personally like both PP & NP:) I'm active at both.

I know the deal about the one account thing, thanks very much. But the fact remains that they froze it for no reason.

Sun Dec 05, 2004 1:33 am

Just email their support team. As im sure you`ll be unfrozen in a short while. As powerpets only freezes your account if they think you`ve been hacked or something. So i would just email them if i were you :p

Sun Dec 05, 2004 4:57 am

Oooo powerpets is very cute. The artwork is really nice. I do reconmend it, but it takes a while to get used to. I prefer Neopets, but when you have some spare time it's something worth looking into at the least.
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