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Forums and Site

Sun Nov 28, 2004 9:41 pm

Okay first the forums. This is the F.LAG forums. Currantly the owner is looking for users and 2 mods. Hurry in today before they close applycations. F.LAG forums

My site: My very own personal site. It has fonts to download and morecoming soon. Please cheak it out.

Sun Nov 28, 2004 10:31 pm

How long has this forum been in commision and how does the owner plan to promote? Is there a site?

Nice layout, Noelle.

Mon Nov 29, 2004 7:58 am

Haruko wrote:How long has this forum been in commision and how does the owner plan to promote? Is there a site?

Nice layout, Noelle.

Since November 28, judging from the Joined date of the admin there.

Mon Nov 29, 2004 5:25 pm

Oh, but they respond to YOUR ad Jill. *rolleyes* x]

Mon Nov 29, 2004 7:36 pm

-points and laughs at Jessica- I really don't know how long David is going to hev this forum. Most likely farly long if he can get the members. Also he has just like Alex said opened it Nov 28th. A bit early to start advertising bit he wished for it.

Mon Nov 29, 2004 8:11 pm

Yeah I know. =/ I didn't advertise mine till I like personally made a topic in every catagory I made and was 100% sure of everything I had, then I told like 5 people I knew about it and expected it to suddenly grow. x] But oh well, it turned out good. :D But yeah, hopefully this one lasts. ^_^'

Thu Dec 02, 2004 1:19 am

I'll join as Hyperion, if that's okay. :)

[Edit] I wonder if that forum's coming back on. I guess David abandoned it.

Thu Dec 02, 2004 7:50 pm

I don't know what he is doing. I'll cheak his main site.

edit he um deleted it...

Thu Dec 02, 2004 9:04 pm

Is cussing aloud here? If not, then Sh**, yeah, he DID delete it. -_- God, that's like the 4th one already! He should have put it on hiatus or something instead. Uuugh.

Thu Dec 02, 2004 10:28 pm

Noelle wrote:edit he um deleted it...

Yeah -- I recieved an e-mail by him yesterday, I believe, about that.

Bah. :x

Oh, well. I might come back if he gets a new forum. It's just that I won't be signing up until I'm sure he won't just rid of it because a few small errors that could have been resolved without having to start over, which I obviously assume to be the reason he deleted it.

Sat Dec 04, 2004 10:07 pm

lol, it's open again! :roflol:

Sun Dec 05, 2004 3:24 pm

I have joined it is a great site
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