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YOU CAN LOCK THIS ~~ I got my honey potion!! :D :D :D

Sun May 30, 2004 6:23 pm

Anybody out there willing to sell a honey potion? prices are still high due to war, but i have seen trades finally start to pop in anywhere from 370k-400k which is what im looking for ... if you could sell me a honey potion anywhere in that price range, please post here... or, if you could give me your username, post that here as well *unless you dont want it out in public, then just PM me your username* *crosses fingers*
Last edited by The Wonder Weezel on Wed Jun 02, 2004 11:33 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Sun May 30, 2004 7:28 pm

I don't really mind selling mine, but i'll make a loss. How about 390k? It doesn't matter if it's pure or whatsoever, just no HTS.
EDIT: I am looking for a few christmas paintbrushes or a number of pieces of the lab map, just to let you know.

Mon May 31, 2004 7:01 am

390k sounds great.... um.. ill PM you.... please check your private messages... and if you dont do that, please post your username here.. but you should probably just respond to my private message :)
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