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 Post subject: The Bill Board FAQ
PostPosted: Sat Oct 16, 2004 10:05 pm 
Honorary Member
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Posts: 1869
Joined: Mon May 31, 2004 11:04 am
Location: Dundee, Scotland

Q: What is a guild?

A guild is sort of like a club on neopets. People join, and they bond together. Although against the rules, some peopl run contests and giveaways so that people will be convinced to join their guild

Q: What do Neopets say about contests in guilds?

Contests are allowed, as long as you offer no prize. Offering prizes for participation in a competition is prohibitted, though competitions without prizes are allowed. Giveaways are not allowed. This includes newbie packs, member of the month prizes, or 'wishing wells'.


Q: Someone said they wanted to pay 1 million for my item, but the TP only says we can trade 800k! What should I do?

If this is the case, then you should put the item into an auction. It's generally wise to add that person as a Neofriend, so you can't get anyone else. Set the minimum bid to something large, such as 200k, and then making the starting bid that much less than the offer. Put the shortest time, and after the auction you will be gifted with your 1,000,000NP! The other option is to make the person pay 800k in pure NP, and pay the rest in items that you would find easy to sell.


Q: What makes a good site?

Well, there are many fan sites made, and people are just going to glance over yours, unless it stands out! It needs to be different, but it needs to display all the usual stuff. For example, a avatar guide is pretty standard. A lot of the big sites hae a 'pet finder', in which you enter a pet and a colour, and it will give you that. A lot of the mistakes people make is concentrating too hard on the forums. Most good sites start from the content.


Q: How do I know what an item is worth?

When you want to work out what something is worth, you need to take two things into account. The price people charge for the items, and the ease of selling it. To find out how much something is worth, simply look it up on the Shop Wizard, or if the price is 100,000NP or above, the Trading Post, and then you can find the average price for it.
However, if you are selling an item, the price you charge is effected by the ease of the sale. If something is very hard to sell, people will only buy it at a very discounted price, however, an easier to sell item should be able to be sold very quickly at the price you found. Though each item is different, generally, foods, stamps, plushies, coins and morphing potions are HTS (Hard to Sell) whereas paint brushes, good battledome weapons and neggs are ETS (Easy to Sell)

Q: How can I tell if someone is using an autobuyer?

Generally someone who uses an autobuyer can be caught if one person gets the majority of the higher rarity items. Recently, when a new plushie was released, one person gained 9/10 of the plushies restocked on one particular day, and it was clear that that person was uses an autobuyer, but usually it isn't easy to tell that way.

(Any more questions, PM me or Scott, so that we can add them to here.)


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