The big screen and the small screen... together at last! Hurrah!
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Tue May 08, 2007 3:21 am

Argh. ... =050707_01

Apparently there are going to be three more seasons. =\

Wed May 09, 2007 3:48 am

WIS wrote:Argh. ... =050707_01

Apparently there are going to be three more seasons. =\

16 episodes PER SEASON?! I wish they would just give us two with 24 episodes each.

Wed May 09, 2007 5:44 am

theonlysaneone wrote:
WIS wrote:Argh. ... =050707_01

Apparently there are going to be three more seasons. =\

16 episodes PER SEASON?! I wish they would just give us two with 24 episodes each.

Bleh, I thought the producers said at the very beginning that Lost was never going to go over 5 seasons, at MOST. :( I really wish they did 24 episodes per season as well.

The big reveal at the end better be worth it. >_<

Sat May 12, 2007 9:37 am

ZOMG! Locke's dead! or is he?

Sat May 12, 2007 10:14 am

Susannahmio wrote:ZOMG! Locke's dead! or is he?

If Sayid survived, I'm guessing Locke will survive... cos Locke is AWESOME :P

Sun May 13, 2007 2:27 am

Susannahmio wrote:ZOMG! Locke's dead! or is he?

i really hope locke died

am i the only one who is gettign annoyed with him, well other then ben??

Mon May 14, 2007 9:13 pm

Spoilerish Prediction wrote:Notice where Locke was shot. Normally a shot to the kidneys would be very serious and require surgery, but that /might/ not apply to him :)

Mon May 14, 2007 9:24 pm

I'm getting a bad feeling about Charlie's lifetime on the island. I think that they're starting to go pretty far into the "you can't change fate" style of storyline. They're really going to kill him off. *whine* I liiiiiiiike Charlie. I don't want him to die. Kill off more of the Others first!

Tue May 15, 2007 9:35 am

Any thoughts as to why Richard looked exactly the same age when Ben was 10 as he does now? I think the Hostiles were there because of some fountain of youth type thing, and the wanted rid of Dharma because they didn't want to share with the rest of the world. They are trying to make an everlasting Utopia. /thoughts

Thu May 17, 2007 6:44 am

Again, like last week, 'wow' is too tame of a word to sum up the episode.

I knew the Looking Glass would be manned. Ben would definitely lie about something like that.

I liked Charlie's list. It isn't as fun as Earl's, but it proves he is a somewhat decent guy deep down.

This is going to be the best season finale of the season (unless Heroes' is really awesome). I can never wait to see what happens next.

Thu May 17, 2007 4:56 pm

Wow last nights was pretty great. Next weeks is gonna rock! I knew for sure that they were going to set it up as Charlie accepting his death the whole episode, only to have him seemingly escape his death at the last minute, only to have him killed/put back into a life threatening situation at the LAST last minute.

As soon as we saw that the "Moon Pool" was not flooded, it was obvious that the station would be manned. Wonder how hostile these Hostiles are.

I "Aawed" out loud when it showed Charlie's ring left in Aaron's crib. Also, I'm worried for Bernard. But I'm glad that we saw he and Rose again.

Anyone else feel that this finale is cheapened by the fact that we KNOW that there are 3 more seasons until the series finale, and therefore the next episode will be (at least partially) unsuccessful? At least Charlie didn't die. His death would have been slightly in vain if it turned out that everyone was stuck on the island for another 3 more seasons.

Thu May 17, 2007 5:08 pm

Moogum wrote:Anyone else feel that this finale is cheapened by the fact that we KNOW that there are 3 more seasons until the series finale, and therefore the next episode will be (at least partially) unsuccessful? At least Charlie didn't die. His death would have been slightly in vain if it turned out that everyone was stuck on the island for another 3 more seasons.

Maybe it will take two days to fully evacuate the island and tie up all the loose ends. That way, each of the remaining episodes will be just another hour of the day. They can even have a ticking clock in the corner of the screen and the characters can cross vast distances in unrealistic units of time. It should be very easy to write and produce a believable story around this idea. No other show uses a concept like that so it will be completely original! :D

Thu May 24, 2007 5:59 am

Oh. My. God. I did not see that coming.

Thu May 24, 2007 6:12 am

WIS wrote:Oh. My. God. I did not see that coming.

I have been trying to think of best way to understate the episode. You win.

Just too many moments to pick as a favorite.

Thu May 24, 2007 6:25 am

That was the best season finale this season for all the big name shows, by FAR!

Wow. Intense. I just finished watching it now (2 am) because I had to Digitally Record it.

If you watched the special before the finale, the creators/producers talked about how the show not only took place in the present, but also the past, and was moving into the future; that we see where the characters are, what got them there, and where they are going. I took that figuritively, to mean that we will see how they develop. I was SO wrong. It is definitely in the literal sense, and I did not see that coming!

Seriously. I was thinking that Jack was meeting up with a) his ex-wive: too obvious. b) Ben. c) Locke. or d) one of Naomi's people, having really been a plant on the island the whole time. I was not prepared for it to be who it was (who I didn't recognize all made-up and pretty). Total shock!

I'm sad for Charlie. But I was sad for Boone and Shannon, as well. And Libby. I'm so glad he got the message to Desmond: I couldn't have lived with that message dying with him.

Well, I said I was a bit disappointed that, knowing the show would be on for 3 more seasons, the intensity would be lessened because we would know that their attempts to get off the island were futile. But man, they've introduced a whole new element! They are TOTALLY wrapping this thing up. It's not gonna end, as I think most of us thought, with them off the island and us never knowing what became of them. We're getting the full package here. Past, present, future.

I can't wait for next season. February? Wow.
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