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Re: What movies could you just NOT finish?

Tue Sep 02, 2008 2:33 am

Lee wrote:Beowolf. Loved the book, but I sat in the movie with my friend Taylor and we commenting on how badly done it was with the whole Jessica Alba think (or whoever it was playing Grendel's mom.) We didn't walk out, but we were close, and the theatre was empty too.

Angelina Jolie played Grendel's mom.

I thought the movie wasn't as bad, but to each their own. It certainly wasn't a masterpiece.

Re: What movies could you just NOT finish?

Tue Sep 02, 2008 12:26 pm

Police Academy.

Re: What movies could you just NOT finish?

Wed Sep 03, 2008 4:22 pm

Pride and Prejudice
Ok honestly Kiera Knightley bored the hell out of me. I turned it off just after she met Mr. Darcy.

Rescue Dawn
This is the only Christian Bale movie which I have actually turned off before it finished. And I'm a big Senor Bale fan. BIG.
It just got so boring. I might put it on next time I have nothing to do except for take a nap.

Re: What movies could you just NOT finish?

Wed Sep 03, 2008 4:31 pm

3lla wrote:Pride and Prejudice
Ok honestly Kiera Knightley bored the hell out of me. I turned it off just after she met Mr. Darcy.
Sigh. The BBC version is *so* much better. Admittedly, it's 5 hours long, but I can watch it over and over again. :)

Hm. Movies I couldn't finish. The only one that comes immediately to mind was Mars Attacks. For some reason, it made me extremely sick to my stomach.

Re: What movies could you just NOT finish?

Thu Sep 04, 2008 3:08 am

I aaaaalmost finished "Bicentennial Man"


That and I can't watch any hack n' slash horror flicks.

Re: What movies could you just NOT finish?

Thu Sep 11, 2008 3:58 pm

Save The Last Dance. I really, really cannot stand it.

Re: What movies could you just NOT finish?

Fri Sep 12, 2008 11:41 pm

I liked Pride and Prejudice. :(

Re: What movies could you just NOT finish?

Sat Sep 13, 2008 12:09 am

Meet Joe Black. I have tried to watch this movie a few times, and I still have no idea of what it's about.

Re: What movies could you just NOT finish?

Sat Sep 13, 2008 1:33 am

what the heck is that moive called?????the one about the imortle guys?what is that one?some dude in black armor tare off this guys head.......yeh.just not really nice.

Re: What movies could you just NOT finish?

Sun Sep 14, 2008 6:11 pm

nicholas wrote:what the heck is that moive called?????the one about the imortle guys?what is that one?some dude in black armor tare off this guys head.......yeh.just not really nice.

The Covenant?

Re: What movies could you just NOT finish?

Fri Sep 26, 2008 9:10 pm

I just cannot seem to make it through a Shrek movie without falling asleep. lol I have tried watching in the morning, afternoon, and night, and no matter what I simply can not get through one! At this point I've given up on watching Shrek. I've seen the beginning so many times, I just can't stand it. XD

There's a John Travolta movie . . . Get Shorty, I think? That one put me to sleep, too. I tried to see it once at the theater and then on tv. Just couldn't make it through. lol

I had to leave the theater when we went to see Hancock. All that shaky camera movement throughout the film made me so motionsick. I even tried to close my eyes to get through it. I made it an hour in, then had to go or toss my cookies. lol I sat outside in the hall until it was done. Poor Tim. I had left him inside, so he had no idea what happened. haha I was really excited to see that movie, too. :/

Re: What movies could you just NOT finish?

Fri Sep 26, 2008 9:37 pm

Oh, I just remembered... Another movie I didn't finish (at first), but have done so by now.

The Pianist
Truly the only movie ever I myself turned off because it was too emotional.

I was watching Ben X with my mother once, and she couldn't stand the scene

where they gave him the XTC and he went completely nuts

, so we turned it off, but I suspect I would've made it through. That being said, it was a pretty brutal scene nonetheless.

Re: What movies could you just NOT finish?

Sat Sep 27, 2008 12:38 pm

I do not remember what is was called. Basically, it was about a woman training girls to be killers in a training camp. About 30 minutes after the start of the movie, they are told "to kill the girl that is next to them before five minutes are over" (which they than do). That was just...ugh. I do not understand how somebody could have such a sick mind to imagine a script like that.

Re: What movies could you just NOT finish?

Thu Oct 02, 2008 3:01 am

Oh goodness...Kill Bill Volume 1 x.x
I wanted to run from the TV but I saw it at a friend's house and had no where to hide =P
Predictably, I stayed well away from part 2 *shudders*

Re: What movies could you just NOT finish?

Fri Oct 10, 2008 5:33 pm

Siniri wrote:I may or may not have started "Saving Private Ryan" and/or "The Thin Red Line," but I never had any intention of finishing those. After 9/11, my tolerance for violent/gory movies fell significantly.

I should tell you Saving Private Ryan is only gory for the opening scene. It isn't 90 minutes of blood.

I only stop watching a movie because its boring, not too depressing or scary etc. None come to mind though.

Oh! The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen. Sean Connery, why have you gone so? Are you desperate or what?
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