The big screen and the small screen... together at last! Hurrah!
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Mon Aug 02, 2004 4:46 pm

I saw it Friday, it was awesome... Unfortunately the ending was spoiled for me but I still thought it was great...

Tue Aug 03, 2004 2:41 am

Ammer wrote:Signs was awesome. Pure intelligence went into that movie. Absolutely brilliant.

I'm sorry, but pure intelligence went into Signs?! Ahem *spoiler alert* Signs, the movie where the aliens biggest weakness was water? And yet, they come to a planet where over 80% of it is water? Yeah, intelligence, riiiight.

Sixth Sense I was also disappointed in, I copped on he was dead in the first half hour so that kinda spoilt it for me.

I saw a trailer for this film the other day, it doesn't really interest me. Probably wait for it to come on TV or borrow it off someone when its released on DVD, but I'm not too keen to see it.

Tue Aug 03, 2004 4:42 pm

AlligatorHater wrote:I'm sorry, but pure intelligence went into Signs?! Ahem *spoiler alert* Signs, the movie where the aliens biggest weakness was water? And yet, they come to a planet where over 80% of it is water? Yeah, intelligence, riiiight.
It made sense to me... The reason water effected it, was because god blessed it. It was holy water... Signs is a pretty religious movie...

Tue Aug 03, 2004 11:52 pm

AlligatorHater wrote:Sixth Sense I was also disappointed in, I copped on he was dead in the first half hour so that kinda spoilt it for me.

Oh i absolutely disliked the sixth sense. Everyone thought it was so scary, so great, etc. etc. Well I thought it was none of those things. Not to mention it felt like it was just dragging on forever to me.

Wed Aug 04, 2004 10:09 pm

I want to see this movie, but I've heard mixed reviews of it by friends and family. Some people thought it was good, the other half said it was bad. I'm not into watching horror films, but I'll go & see this one anyway. I just hope he doesn't direct his people like he did in Signs...the little girl acted as if no one was in her room when she saw an alien. I hope the suspension is good too cause I was geared up for Signs, then nothing happened. Oh, well...I'll still go & see it. I hope it as good as it looks.

Thu Aug 05, 2004 12:41 am

EndorianShire wrote:the little girl acted as if no one was in her room when she saw an alien.
Uhhh... What?

Thu Aug 05, 2004 12:44 am

I didn't like it
The story kept leading us on to scary moments, yet no shockers ever come.

The scariest moment in the movie was when the girl fell into that hole.

If you are looking for a good scare, I do not recommend this movie.

Thu Aug 05, 2004 12:49 am

ecliptic wrote:I didn't like it
The story kept leading us on to scary moments, yet no shockers ever come.

The scariest moment in the movie was when the girl fell into that hole.

If you are looking for a good scare, I do not recommend this movie.
It wasn't that scary, but it was still a good movie about a community trying to live their lives with fear...

Thu Aug 05, 2004 2:00 am

What I meant by that, Colin, was Beau said, "There's a monster outside my room, can I have a glass of water?" She said it as if seeing aliens was an everyday thing. Normal people would scream and say, "Oh my god! There's something outside! An alien, monster...I don't know!" Know what I'm saying and if you don't I'm basically saying he directs his people a little wierd sometimes & I hope he doesn't do that in The Village. Sorry if I might have offended you if you like his directing.

Thu Aug 05, 2004 12:18 pm

EndorianShire wrote:What I meant by that, Colin, was Beau said, "There's a monster outside my room, can I have a glass of water?" She said it as if seeing aliens was an everyday thing. Normal people would scream and say, "Oh my god! There's something outside! An alien, monster...I don't know!" Know what I'm saying and if you don't I'm basically saying he directs his people a little wierd sometimes & I hope he doesn't do that in The Village. Sorry if I might have offended you if you like his directing.
Well I work with kids a lot, kids would say something like that... Sometimes they know or believe they had a dream...

No offense taken... :)

Sat Aug 07, 2004 10:32 pm

You know what really sucks about this whole thing? He could've not made 'The Village' and taken the offer to make Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban.

Sun Aug 08, 2004 1:26 am

I'm not too crazy about it. The acting seemed weak to me and I laughed through almost all of it (maybe because I'm weird). I liked the idea, but it could've been way better.

Sun Aug 08, 2004 6:22 pm

Alright, I just saw it last night. I liked it quite a bit, though it was probably not one of my favorites. I think the fact that I had heard so many bad things about it made it better, since I was expecting a horrible film. I did have a few problems with it though.

1) Lucius. He could easily be one of my least favorite movie characters of all times. I do believe that the rocks in my backyard have more personality. I also believe that I could have a better conversation with one of these rocks, seeing as he mumbled through the entire movie. I saw this movie in an old theater that doesn't have the greatest sound system. The combination of a bad sound system and his mumbling made so that I missed about 90% of what he said. I hated him.

2) The plot is incredibly similiar to a childrens book, which I unfortunately cannot recall the name or author of. My dad said he read about that in the newspaper that there's a controversy about it. That doesn't bother me too much, but it is interesting how very similiar they are. I remember I read it, but not it's been bugging me what it's called. Anyone know?

3) I had the movie figured out about 20 minutes into it since I had read a rumor last winter and because I remembered that book. That didn't bother me too much though.

4) The way they talked. I know that it's supposed to be the 1800s and according to my mom, that's how they talked, but most of them seemed like they were reading off a piece of paper with little or no emotion.

The good.

1) Noah. If you ask me, he was the only interesting character and had more personality than the others combined. I assume if you've read this far in the thread, you've probably seen the movie, but I will warn you that there are spoilers ahead.


Every scene after Noah stabbed Lucius, I had tears in my eyes, but his death had me crying. Not just a few tears, I was shaking in my seat and nearly sobbing. I rarely ever cry when a human dies, I might have a few tears, but when an animal gets even the littlest bit hurt, I cry. I can only think of one other movie that had me crying like this when someone dies.
So to me, a movie that can make me cry when a human dies is good.

End Spoiler

Anyway, I don't know if it's the best movie I've seen all year, but I did like it.

Sat Aug 14, 2004 2:23 pm

I saw "The Village" yesterday and it made me mad. I didn't like the ending. It made me mad everything was all lies. It was an okay movie but not as good as my favorite movie of all time, ever.

Sat Aug 14, 2004 2:36 pm

Collin wrote:
AlligatorHater wrote:I'm sorry, but pure intelligence went into Signs?! Ahem *spoiler alert* Signs, the movie where the aliens biggest weakness was water? And yet, they come to a planet where over 80% of it is water? Yeah, intelligence, riiiight.
It made sense to me... The reason water effected it, was because god blessed it. It was holy water... Signs is a pretty religious movie...

Where does it say in the movie that god blessed the water?
Anyway, I liked Signs.

And I'm sure I am going to like The Village. :P
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