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I saw it last weekend

Sat Aug 14, 2004 11:35 pm

I saw and liked it. but i have to say it wasn't as scary as what i expected.

Tue Aug 17, 2004 3:22 pm

Stijn wrote:
Collin wrote:
AlligatorHater wrote:I'm sorry, but pure intelligence went into Signs?! Ahem *spoiler alert* Signs, the movie where the aliens biggest weakness was water? And yet, they come to a planet where over 80% of it is water? Yeah, intelligence, riiiight.
It made sense to me... The reason water effected it, was because god blessed it. It was holy water... Signs is a pretty religious movie...
Where does it say in the movie that god blessed the water?
Anyway, I liked Signs.
Sometimes you have to interperet the symbolisim, Night never explains it...

Thu Aug 19, 2004 6:40 pm

Collin wrote:
Stijn wrote:
Collin wrote:
AlligatorHater wrote:I'm sorry, but pure intelligence went into Signs?! Ahem *spoiler alert* Signs, the movie where the aliens biggest weakness was water? And yet, they come to a planet where over 80% of it is water? Yeah, intelligence, riiiight.
It made sense to me... The reason water effected it, was because god blessed it. It was holy water... Signs is a pretty religious movie...
Where does it say in the movie that god blessed the water?
Anyway, I liked Signs.
Sometimes you have to interperet the symbolisim, Night never explains it...

Holy water? Yeah, I think that came out of left feild. I think it was just regular old water.

I always just assumed that they cam to a planet full of water for 1 of 2 reaason:

1. They didn't have water where they came from. They didn't know that it kiled them because they'd never encountered it before.

2. They were so desperate to find food or supplies that it was worth the risk to them.

I always assumed it was the first one, my friend said the second one.

Anyway, I finally got around to seeing the village. I thought it was great. It certinly wasn't what I expected, but that was good. I liked everything except for the abrupt ending. I really wanted to know how things ended up. Other that that I loved it.

Thu Aug 19, 2004 7:44 pm

His next movie sounds interesting,

It revolves around Gilbert Foley, a man in his 40s living in modern-day Philadelphia who stumbles across a Ouija board and begins talking to the spirit of a woman named Cassandra. She says that Death is out looking for him, and he must hide. The thing is, Foley becomes fascinated with dying, and gives up. Cassandra must convince him otherwise, or a terrible wrath will be unleashed

Source: Click Here

Wed Aug 25, 2004 7:48 pm

rageaholic wrote:
1. They didn't have water where they came from. They didn't know that it kiled them because they'd never encountered it before.

It hinted against that in the movie, it said at various points that they knew what water was and were afraid of it.

Wed Aug 25, 2004 10:11 pm

I just went to see the film and I liked it. It wasn't what I was expecting at all. I did think the ending was a bit abrupt though.

Thu Aug 26, 2004 4:30 am

Collin wrote:
Stijn wrote:
Collin wrote:
AlligatorHater wrote:I'm sorry, but pure intelligence went into Signs?! Ahem *spoiler alert* Signs, the movie where the aliens biggest weakness was water? And yet, they come to a planet where over 80% of it is water? Yeah, intelligence, riiiight.
It made sense to me... The reason water effected it, was because god blessed it. It was holy water... Signs is a pretty religious movie...
Where does it say in the movie that god blessed the water?
Anyway, I liked Signs.
Sometimes you have to interperet the symbolisim, Night never explains it...

For the first time I brutally disagree, thats a terrible theory...if anyone blessed the water it was the small insignificant Indian man that killed his wife. He had obviously experimented with water or been watching the aliens behaviour and worked it out without blessing it, he told wasshisname to go to the lake (honestly, since when does god bless entire american lakes?)

Mon Aug 30, 2004 9:55 pm

Yeah I think the blessing the water thing is a little bit far fetched, but I think enough people have said that that it's a little redundant. Anywho, I saw The Village. I really did not like it. I though it was cool at the beginning, until it TOTALLY veered off the path I thought it was going in. No, not like a twist, like taking the first half of one movie and the second half of another and putting them together. What was cool though was that my brother's friend's girlfriend was in it (as someone, I'm not sure who) and that they filmed a short bit on my old nieghbor's land.

Mon Aug 30, 2004 10:47 pm

I saw the movie. At first it was pretty good, but then it got awful. I hated it basically. :o

the blind girl didn't even act blind. YOU CAN'T RUN DOWN A HILL WITHOUT USING YOUR WALKING STICK IF YOUR BLIND!!! (and run down it without falling)


Mon Aug 30, 2004 10:53 pm

Yeah, I saw it. It started off quite well, but the twist with the things in the woods ruined it for me.

Tue Aug 31, 2004 4:34 am

The trailers are blearing here in New Zealand now as its out in cinemas, looks like a jolly good movie (though the whole red is bad thing should be interesting) and I expect I'll be seeing it soon.

Tue Aug 31, 2004 3:30 pm

Ammer wrote:His next movie sounds interesting,
It revolves around Gilbert Foley, a man in his 40s living in modern-day Philadelphia who stumbles across a Ouija board and begins talking to the spirit of a woman named Cassandra. She says that Death is out looking for him, and he must hide. The thing is, Foley becomes fascinated with dying, and gives up. Cassandra must convince him otherwise, or a terrible wrath will be unleashed
That turned out to be a hoax-rumor... Sorry...
chii wrote:the blind girl didn't even act blind. YOU CAN'T RUN DOWN A HILL WITHOUT USING YOUR WALKING STICK IF YOUR BLIND!!! (and run down it without falling)
She probably could, she knew the land since she was a little girl, and that includes before she became blind...

Tue Aug 31, 2004 6:24 pm

Collin wrote:
Ammer wrote:His next movie sounds interesting,
It revolves around Gilbert Foley, a man in his 40s living in modern-day Philadelphia who stumbles across a Ouija board and begins talking to the spirit of a woman named Cassandra. She says that Death is out looking for him, and he must hide. The thing is, Foley becomes fascinated with dying, and gives up. Cassandra must convince him otherwise, or a terrible wrath will be unleashed
That turned out to be a hoax-rumor... Sorry...

::sighs:: And I was all excited 'cause I saw my name.

paola wrote:I'm not too crazy about it. The acting seemed weak to me and I laughed through almost all of it (maybe because I'm weird). I liked the idea, but it could've been way better.

Glad I'm not the only one. But as we were making comments about porcupines the entire movie, it was a bit hard not to laugh.

And whoever said the scariest part was when she fell in the hole, I agree. I jumped then, the only time in the whole movie. =P
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