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Re: Doctor Who

Sun Jun 22, 2008 2:29 pm

No idea on K9 but Davros is a certain (He was shown in confidential.... And of course the leaked images from a couple months ago) a Red Dalek, supposedly Caan is back and Davros ain't happy (I'd assume the Emperor was part of the group that "Killed" Davros last time we saw him)

Apparently, the Bees disappearing, planets going AWOL and the Medusa Cascade all play a part in the finale.
(Although if you've seen the trailer and Turn Left, I think you can work out why planets are going AWOL...)

Edit: Oh, Christmas special:
Cybermen in Victorian London, apparently. Cybermen deff anyway.

Edit: Went home indeed.

BIG SHOCKA ending to The Stolen Earth, even bigger if you know what's gonna happen...

I'm not saying :P Sufficed to say though, that hand has been rather ominous in it's shaking all season, hasn't it...

Re: Doctor Who

Mon Jun 30, 2008 11:35 am

If what happened at the end really is happening, they hid that REALLY well. However given the christmas eps and stuff it seems unlikely...

Re: Doctor Who

Tue Jul 01, 2008 6:59 pm

Igg wrote:If what happened at the end really is happening, they hid that REALLY well. However given the christmas eps and stuff it seems unlikely...

Spoilerz (BIG ONES)

He regenerates, but the wibbly regeneration stuff hits the severed hand, cloning the Doctor. So we get an 11th Doctor, and keep the 10th
David Morissey, apparently

FYI, Davros is wacko.

Re: Doctor Who

Wed Jul 02, 2008 7:31 pm


Re: Doctor Who

Sat Jul 05, 2008 8:41 pm

The rumours were close.

Doctor redirects the regeneration, which creates a clone, and makes Donna all time lordey (Donna-Doctor...) Doctor B is left in the alt reality with rose (He's human and will age normally) and Donna has her mind wiped to save her :(

Still. They focused on Mr "Apparently not the doctor" in the Trailer for the special (As I foretold - Cybers in Victorian England, presumably they wandered out of the Void when Davros kicked the walls down -Rose did mention it was empty)

Re: Doctor Who

Sun Jul 06, 2008 7:14 pm


Re: Doctor Who

Wed Apr 01, 2009 10:39 pm

There has only been Doctor Who special episodes since July 2008 (after Journey's End). The last Doctor Who special episode was called The Next Doctor and that was on Christmas 2008.

The next Doctor Who special episode is on April 11th 2009.

When a London bus goes off-course to an alien planet, Lady Christina joins up with the Doctor to uncover the mysteries beneath the sand; as time moves on the fatal Swarm gets closer.


Re: Doctor Who

Thu Apr 02, 2009 1:07 am

I never did get the appeal of Dr. Who myself... but then again it was never shown on prime time where I grew up. Mmm... maybe I should start from the beginning.

Re: Doctor Who

Sun Apr 26, 2009 8:14 pm

Combusken BG wrote:There has only been Doctor Who special episodes since July 2008 (after Journey's End). The last Doctor Who special episode was called The Next Doctor and that was on Christmas 2008.

The next Doctor Who special episode is on April 11th 2009.

When a London bus goes off-course to an alien planet, Lady Christina joins up with the Doctor to uncover the mysteries beneath the sand; as time moves on the fatal Swarm gets closer.


Next episode appears to be about a Water bender or something (I kid, The Waters OF Mars, heck knows what it is beyond the name) but some spoileroos for the 2 parter christmas finale.

the actors for Donna and Grandad have been seen. As has John Simm. You know. The Master? "He will knock four times" indeed.
Also makes Donna's suspicious ring a little more suspicious no?

Edit: Watching Doc Who from the beginning will take you a VERY long time... 753 episodes, at current count.
Unless you mean the reset.

Re: Doctor Who

Thu Apr 30, 2009 9:56 am

About the special aired in the UK in April

I was fairly unimpressed by the episode... I love it when he has proper companions... he's supposed to have a companion! *rants*

Re: Doctor Who

Thu Apr 30, 2009 1:45 pm

werepup wrote:About the special aired in the UK in April

I was fairly unimpressed by the episode... I love it when he has proper companions... he's supposed to have a companion! *rants*

He seems to be angsting over the fact that they keep getting killed for him, which is fairly reasonable I feel.

Still, he should have a proper full term one come season 5.

Re: Doctor Who

Sun May 03, 2009 3:12 pm

I only recently got into this show via Netflix...had never really heard of it before, but it recommended it and I watched all the new series. Tennant is pretty epic...I'm sad a new doctor is coming in, but understand it's necessary for the plotline or whatever...wonder when the US is going to get those Episodic Specials the UK has been getting...
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