The big screen and the small screen... together at last! Hurrah!
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Mon Sep 20, 2004 7:15 pm

Crescendo wrote:Overkill? Last night I watched School of Rock for the seventh time this year. Eurgh. >.< Any movie watched more than twice in one year grows rotten, no matter how great that movie may be.

Not true. I've watched The Princess Diaries over 50+ times, I bet, in the past year alone. :P I still love it too and know a lot of lines by heart.. :battar:

i_love_starburst wrote: But doesn't everyone love Jack Sparrow? :roll:

Not me, no. :D

I honestly do not see the hype about this movie ... but its my personal opinion only so no offence, okay? :) I will admit I have never watched it, but I have seen previews because my old friend tried so hard to get me into it... I gathered the main plot and I just don't click with it.
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