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Re: Twilight

Thu Feb 05, 2009 2:46 am

Regan wrote:I think one of the weirder moments of my happened last week when, in the class I have a bit of my clinical in, I was reading a profile thing of one of the students. One of the questionsasked "What are three of your favourite things?" and one of the 10 year old girls answered "Edward Cullen."

I died a little that day.

I'd die too.

Jacob Black's a much more correct answer.


Re: Twilight

Thu Feb 05, 2009 11:03 pm

Katherine wrote:
Regan wrote:I think one of the weirder moments of my happened last week when, in the class I have a bit of my clinical in, I was reading a profile thing of one of the students. One of the questionsasked "What are three of your favourite things?" and one of the 10 year old girls answered "Edward Cullen."

I died a little that day.

I'd die too.

Jacob Black's a much more correct answer.


Considering Jacob ends up falling in love with a BABY I would say that neither Edward or Jacob are suitable answers

Re: Twilight

Fri Feb 06, 2009 12:47 am

3lla wrote:
Katherine wrote:
Regan wrote:I think one of the weirder moments of my happened last week when, in the class I have a bit of my clinical in, I was reading a profile thing of one of the students. One of the questionsasked "What are three of your favourite things?" and one of the 10 year old girls answered "Edward Cullen."

I died a little that day.

I'd die too.

Jacob Black's a much more correct answer.


Considering Jacob ends up falling in love with a BABY I would say that neither Edward or Jacob are suitable answers

I know. Hence the JK.

Re: Twilight

Fri Feb 06, 2009 7:23 pm

Katherine wrote:
3lla wrote:Considering Jacob ends up falling in love with a BABY I would say that neither Edward or Jacob are suitable answers

I know. Hence the JK.

Still, when you look beyond the baby loving, neither Jacob or Edward are suitable for anyone. SRSLY.
Edward = weird creepy stalker guy who will climb into your room for twoo months just to watch you sleep
Jacob = strange self pitying guy who decides to vent his frustration upon that of his 'pack'.

Stephanie Meyer really didn't develop her characters too well.....and don't get me started on Charlie or Emmet.

Re: Twilight

Sat Feb 07, 2009 1:11 am

3lla wrote:Jacob = strange self pitying guy who decides to vent his frustration upon that of his 'pack'.

Is it bad that I didn't pick up on that? I focused more on his perverted tendency to take advantage of Bella. Sick and wrong.

Re: Twilight

Sat Feb 07, 2009 1:47 am

3lla wrote:
Katherine wrote:
3lla wrote:Considering Jacob ends up falling in love with a BABY I would say that neither Edward or Jacob are suitable answers

I know. Hence the JK.

Still, when you look beyond the baby loving, neither Jacob or Edward are suitable for anyone. SRSLY.
Edward = weird creepy stalker guy who will climb into your room for twoo months just to watch you sleep
Jacob = strange self pitying guy who decides to vent his frustration upon that of his 'pack'.

Stephanie Meyer really didn't develop her characters too well.....and don't get me started on Charlie or Emmet.

I think that Charlie was really well developed, personally.

Re: Twilight

Sat Feb 07, 2009 1:53 am

Regan wrote:I think one of the weirder moments of my happened last week when, in the class I have a bit of my clinical in, I was reading a profile thing of one of the students. One of the questionsasked "What are three of your favourite things?" and one of the 10 year old girls answered "Edward Cullen."

I died a little that day.

I actually had my name on Subeta "Edward Cullen," (now it's "That One") and I had a million Twihards commenting me "OMG I LOVE TWILIGHT."

I've tried to read the books, and tbh, I can't get into it. The writing is so dry and redundant, and I don't think I've ever really seen such underdeveloped characters. :(

Re: Twilight

Sun Feb 08, 2009 11:39 pm

DM was on fire! wrote:I've tried to read the books, and tbh, I can't get into it. The writing is so dry and redundant, and I don't think I've ever really seen such underdeveloped characters. :(

I completely agree, but I read the books after I a Chuck Palahniuk binge. Anything not involving deviant addictions and prolapsing intestines was looking good :o


I came across this lovely gem from a Twilight fan, a felt model of Bella's womb.

Re: Twilight

Mon Feb 09, 2009 6:55 am

Regan wrote:I came across this lovely gem from a Twilight fan, a felt model of Bella's womb.

Wait, what. WAIT, WHAT. That's just... Well... o_o

Re: Twilight

Mon Feb 09, 2009 4:03 pm

Vote: Disturbed.
“Ya know, I think I want to spend the next week or so recreating what Bella’s womb would look like with a mutant fetus inside, and then maybe share it with fans on the internet … because they’ll of course think I’m, like, completely normal and stuff.”

LOL, seriously.

Re: Twilight

Wed Aug 12, 2009 2:10 pm

it is bad movie,just for one view and even that one i was trying no to fall asleep

Re: Twilight

Fri Aug 14, 2009 4:42 am

I think the fetus thing was not the best thing to look at right before you're thinking about going to bed...strange is about all I have to say.

Anyway, I was completely against reading Twilight, it didnt sound interesting at all. Then I was forced to see some of the movie at school, of course I wanted to see the whole thing just because I could. Finally I gave in and read the books. I hate to admit it but I secrectly liked them. :oops:

I do agree completely with this and I do not understand the facination with either of them
3lla wrote:Edward = weird creepy stalker guy who will climb into your room for twoo months just to watch you sleep
Jacob = strange self pitying guy who decides to vent his frustration upon that of his 'pack'.

Re: Twilight

Sun Aug 16, 2009 12:18 pm

I'm gonna see New Moon just for the lulz and angstlicious angst angsty angst. Anyone else? :P

Re: Twilight

Tue Aug 18, 2009 6:02 pm

I read Twilight because my friend was forcing me to. I didn't like it until the battle scene. I was raring to read the second book, but my book had the "sneak peek" first chapter of the next book. After reading that I decided I wouldn't continue, especially since my friend told me that the first book was the best and I begrudgingly go through it.

I started reading the Sookie Stackhouse series recently and realized that this series is everything I though Twilight was going to be, but ten times better. If you're craving a vampire book I suggest reading them. It's the books the HBO hit TrueBlood was based after. Keep in mind HBO has made the show's first season very similar to the first book and they rate it MA.

Re: Twilight

Tue Aug 18, 2009 11:20 pm

You know, I can't see how people like one series and dislike the other. I think they are both pretty bad and full of the lulz. However, True Blood is a wicked good show.

I read the first Sookie Stackhouse bood. It was so. bad. I'm sorry.
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