The big screen and the small screen... together at last! Hurrah!
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Mon Feb 26, 2007 4:16 pm

The only thing i'm looking forward to finding out more on is the tailies. What are they watching and why are they being treated so much better than Jack, Kate, Sawyer? But at the rate this season is going I might have those answers by the series finale in 2 years!

...Bitter much! :)

Mon Feb 26, 2007 11:22 pm

Finally watched last week's episode.

Was not surprised at its suckiness.

Still hate Jack.

Possibly hate him more now.

He's majorly freaking annoying.



susannahmio wrote:The only thing i'm looking forward to finding out more on is the tailies. What are they watching and why are they being treated so much better than Jack, Kate, Sawyer?

I think they were watching Juliet's 'trial' or whatever, and I'm pretty sure they were being treated better, well. Mainly 'cause they seem to like being with the Others, and, er, they haven't really been trying to kill everyone who isn't a close friend. :P

Tue Feb 27, 2007 8:36 pm

Yea, I know you guys in the States are getting the next episode tomorrow, but any of my whinings are going to be a minimum of 4 days after yours anyway, so whatever. :P

I also still hate Jack. I don't care about him, he's boring, he's stupid, WHY DO WE HAVE SO MANY OF HIS STUPID FLASHBACKS?! I think we know more than we ever want to know about him now, thanks, now why can't we find out about the better and more interesting people?!

My stepdad made a good point about halfway through when we were getting bored,'ll start getting decent again, and we'll realise we have no idea what's going on, because we've missed things that will turn out to be important because we were so bored.

If it's about Jack, I don't care, though. Stupid man. Hmph.

Thu Mar 01, 2007 5:04 am

Wow, that was a great episode. Definitely makes up for the last one :D

A few thoughts:

1. Does this mean Charlie's curse is broken? If so, that was a really short story arc.

2. That beer is over 20 years old, probably. Shouldn't it be spoiled by now?

3. Kate, Locke, and Sayid are going on another mission with Rousseau. This should be exciting.

Thu Mar 01, 2007 7:02 am

Ha! I loved getting the car started. That was fun. I liked seem more of Hugo's past. The meteor smashing the Chicken Shack was great. Interesting note, the reporter was 'Trisha Taka'. On Family Guy, they have the reporter 'Trisha Takanawa'. Just an interesting little think I noted.

Thu Mar 01, 2007 7:14 am

Skynetmain wrote:Ha! I loved getting the car started. That was fun. I liked seem more of Hugo's past. The meteor smashing the Chicken Shack was great. Interesting note, the reporter was 'Trisha Taka'. On Family Guy, they have the reporter 'Trisha Takanawa'. Just an interesting little think I noted.

I noticed the Trisha Takanawa thing too!

Also, I'm willing to bet that the dart Sawyer stepped on is another foreshadowing or whatever you call it. :P Just like in season I, way before the hatch was discovered, the show set us up for it by having Sayid saying "I think this compass is broken"

Thu Mar 01, 2007 4:06 pm

WIS wrote:
Skynetmain wrote:Ha! I loved getting the car started. That was fun. I liked seem more of Hugo's past. The meteor smashing the Chicken Shack was great. Interesting note, the reporter was 'Trisha Taka'. On Family Guy, they have the reporter 'Trisha Takanawa'. Just an interesting little think I noted.

I noticed the Trisha Takanawa thing too!

Me too! I had to check the Family Guy page on IMDB to make sure the names weren't identical.

I dunno, this episode wasn't bad, but I think it showed one of the major flaws of the show. They spent the whole episode looking back at Hurley & the numbers, and trying to start the car. Which is cool and all, but what exactly does it tell us? That whole time, they did not progress at all in the overall storyline. The only action that moved us forward was Kate going to rescue Jack and meeting up with the french lady.
I think that's my main problem. They spend way too much time on character development with these flashbacks and no time moving the plot along. It's all fluff until the big reveal at the end of the episode("The french lady knows about her daughter! Charlie's going to die! Jack's tattoos are completely pointless and we just wasted an hour of your life!")

Fri Mar 02, 2007 6:23 pm

I agree with ^ that the episode was kinda pointless....

But, it was alot of fun! I don't remember laughing while watching Lost before, but I just loved seeing a few of them relax and have some laughs!

But once again...MOVE IT ALONG ALREADY!!

Fri Mar 02, 2007 8:15 pm

This episode, was great and I didn't really mind that the plot didn't progress. Seeing em all in the car... Sawyer laughing... Jin learning English... It was all great :D

Fri Mar 02, 2007 10:53 pm

Anoohilator wrote:This episode, was great and I didn't really mind that the plot didn't progress. Seeing em all in the car... Sawyer laughing... Jin learning English... It was all great :D

I thought they were going to show a clip of Jin speaking his new English to Sun. :P They didn't, I was so disappointed.

Sat Mar 03, 2007 7:04 am

WIS wrote:
Anoohilator wrote:This episode, was great and I didn't really mind that the plot didn't progress. Seeing em all in the car... Sawyer laughing... Jin learning English... It was all great :D

I thought they were going to show a clip of Jin speaking his new English to Sun. :P They didn't, I was so disappointed.

Yeah, that would have been funny. They'll probably come back to it later. That is how you learn a language, after all.

I thought this episode was funny, but it has some important implications. For one, the survivors now have a car, which will allow them to explore the island a lot more quickly. Also, the dart that Sawyer stepped on is probably going to be one of those things that sneaks up on us later (like the compass. Nice catch, WIS). And of course the next episode is going to be an action-packed Sayid adventure that we all love.

Sun Mar 04, 2007 7:42 pm

I don't get why everyone hates Jack so much - he's not my favourite character either, but I don't understand the hate that surrounds him o_o
I mean, I would be completely freaked out too by now, if I were him. I think that he just doesn't react well to tension. Wouldn't you all be a bit stressed too in his situation? After all, he takes much of the responsability and pressure on his shoulders.

Anyway, I agree on the fact that the last episode was funny and uplifting but a bit pointless. I can't wait to see the next episode, hoping it will be centered on Rousseau =)

Mon Mar 05, 2007 1:15 am

I actually think the episode did advance the plot, since Hurley's "curse" seems to be playing a big role in everything from Charlie's supposed death to possibly even the crash itself.

I thought it was quite a good episode, although the whole car rolling toward the rock thing looked like it took so much longer than it actually would have had, lol.

I'm glad Rosseau is back, she is crazy cool! (Mostly crazy.)

Mon Mar 05, 2007 1:22 am

Matterbug wrote:I actually think the episode did advance the plot, since Hurley's "curse" seems to be playing a big role in everything from Charlie's supposed death to possibly even the crash itself.

I thought it was quite a good episode, although the whole car rolling toward the rock thing looked like it took so much longer than it actually would have had, lol.

I'm glad Rosseau is back, she is crazy cool! (Mostly crazy.)

Yeah, the entire car thing was insanely unrealistic. I don't think it was intended that way. First of all, none of the tires would have had air in them after that long. The gasoline would have already leaked out or evaporated, and the battery would probably be leaking acid. Not to mention, oging down a grade that steep and then quickly turning would have flipped over a hippie bus. It doesn't take away from the story much, but it's worth pointing out.

Also, the beer would have been stale and probably poisonous by then. I wonder if Sawyer's going to have digestive problems next episode :P

Mon Mar 05, 2007 4:31 am

theonlysaneone wrote:
Matterbug wrote:I actually think the episode did advance the plot, since Hurley's "curse" seems to be playing a big role in everything from Charlie's supposed death to possibly even the crash itself.

I thought it was quite a good episode, although the whole car rolling toward the rock thing looked like it took so much longer than it actually would have had, lol.

I'm glad Rosseau is back, she is crazy cool! (Mostly crazy.)

Yeah, the entire car thing was insanely unrealistic. I don't think it was intended that way. First of all, none of the tires would have had air in them after that long. The gasoline would have already leaked out or evaporated, and the battery would probably be leaking acid. Not to mention, oging down a grade that steep and then quickly turning would have flipped over a hippie bus. It doesn't take away from the story much, but it's worth pointing out.

Also, the beer would have been stale and probably poisonous by then. I wonder if Sawyer's going to have digestive problems next episode :P

But the island heals cancer and crippleness? Surely it can cure car troubles for that also begins with a C?
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