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Who likes Link?

Thu Dec 16, 2004 1:23 am

((Sorry if this goes in Console Gaming or somewhere else. I couldn't decide. If this is spam, I'm even more sorry.))

Well, this is just a little question: who likes Link (Legend of Zelda)? Why or why not?

Thu Dec 16, 2004 1:36 am

Link is super cool and he is HOT in ocarina in time it's one of my favourite games ever:D

Thu Dec 16, 2004 3:57 am

My friend and I used to be totally obsessed. :lol: Of course now, I don't think so..I don't like Zelda anymore, either.

I have to point out, though, it still annoys me how people assume he's stupid because he never talks.

Thu Dec 16, 2004 4:58 am

I love Link, but Quill is much better. :3

Thu Dec 16, 2004 7:03 am

Link is one of the coolest characters around.

Thu Dec 16, 2004 8:42 am

I was raised with him. The first game was made the year after I was born, and my dad was addicted to it. I was so small, too young to play, but I'd watch him play. After beating each level, he'd hand me the controller, and let me pick up the Triforce. I felt so important. And then when I was old enough to play, I beat it really easily because I knew all of the secrets in the game from watching him play.

Thu Dec 16, 2004 4:42 pm

This character is probably second to Mario in sentamentalism. I use to play Link to the Past for hours at my cousins house all the time when I was little. Not that I ever beat it, but I did watch my cousin play it who was pretty good at it.

Sat Dec 18, 2004 5:09 am

Omigod. Link, is like, awesome. Not only was I practically raised around him (I grew up in a gaming family), but... come on, have you seen Adult Link in Ocarina of Time and the new game coming out? WHOOO!!! Why when I was a wee lassie I loved Link just as much as I love Zero now! And you all know how much I love Zero!

To sum this post up: Link = hot and awesome.

Sat Dec 18, 2004 8:12 am

Link is cool! He looks totally awesome in the new GC Zelda game coming out. I obviously assume it hasn't come out yet.

Sat Dec 18, 2004 9:40 pm

Adult Link in OoT = HOOOT!

Yeah. *pats N64* I used to enjoy running around making him do somersaults.

(And I LOVED Epona! Me and my brother made up this really random character named Jack who "followed" Link around in the temples and had a horse called Anope (original, huh?). My brother was so sweet to me. :P)

Sat Dec 18, 2004 11:54 pm

I made up lyrics to go with the music when I was really little. Specifically the music inside the dungeons on the first game. ... elda.shtml
Go there, and listen to the second file (Labrynth).

My lyrics:

Why did you come here?
Why do you still stay here?
If you don't leave here..
We will killlllllll you!

Something like that... I was like... four or five. XD

EDIT: Speaking of music and my geekiness, when I was little, I was also TERRIFIED of the Level 9 music. For the longest time, I refused to play that level because the music freaked me out too much.

Also, may as well mention that when I was little, and my siblings were playing the very first Mario game, I was so terrified of the dragon (Bowser), that I'd cover my eyed during each castle. Thing is, I'd never actually looked, so I didn't know what I was really scared of, and so one day I did look, and it wasn't scary at all, I think the music there just freaked me out too.

Sun Dec 19, 2004 3:31 am

See my friend says I'm weird cos I think that Link is hot but I'm not the only one.

Sun Dec 19, 2004 4:26 am

I had a major crush on him when I was little.

Oh who am I kidding, I still fancy him. **blushes**

OOH! ONCE! I wrote this really awesome story. It was a new take on the whole plot of the games.

Basic plot:
After being kidnapped over and over again by Gannon, Zelda finally takes up self defence. Gannon manages to kidnap her anyway. But she kicks his ugly butt and escapes before Link has even worked his way through the third dungeon. It was really funny.

Sun Dec 19, 2004 4:37 am

Anubis wrote:(And I LOVED Epona! Me and my brother made up this really random character named Jack who "followed" Link around in the temples and had a horse called Anope (original, huh?).

Oh yeah, that reminds me! Whenever me and/or my brother played OoT, we pretended Link had a pet Pikachu (who was really fat) who rode on Epona with Link and followed him around and such. Sometimes he got lost so Link went into a certain place and searched around for him, killing stuff or getting himself killed. Pikachu liked to jump in the river at Gerudo Valley a lot, heheheheh.

Mmmmm... old memories...

Sun Dec 19, 2004 5:04 am

Sapphire Faerie wrote:I was raised with him. The first game was made the year after I was born, and my dad was addicted to it. I was so small, too young to play, but I'd watch him play. After beating each level, he'd hand me the controller, and let me pick up the Triforce. I felt so important. And then when I was old enough to play, I beat it really easily because I knew all of the secrets in the game from watching him play.

Aw that sounds so cute! :) I wish my dad was cool and loving like that!

I think links pretty cool... and I think he's pretty sexy.. I mean for a video game character. :D
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