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Lucille Ball and Henry Fonda Remake

Thu Jun 30, 2005 4:47 pm

(don't mind the thing about Hawk Nelson)

Hawk Nelson has just finished filming their part in an upcoming movie called Yours, Mine, & Ours. It’s a remake of the 1968 Lucille Ball and Henry Fonda comedy. They are a part of a party scene, where they perform the new song Bring 'Em Out. The song Things We Go Through will also be heard in the movie.

Does anyone else know any non-Hawk related news about the movie?

Thu Jun 30, 2005 6:12 pm

If it's any help:

Fri Jul 01, 2005 2:42 am

That's my favourite movie of all time! Why on earth are they remaking it though? The original is perfect as it is. The first one really is amazing though if you haven't seen it, you so have to! I own it and everything and have seen it over 10 times. It's one of those movies you can never tire of. The newer version couldn't possibly be anywhere near as good.

Sat Jul 02, 2005 8:19 pm

Monique wrote:That's my favourite movie of all time! Why on earth are they remaking it though? The original is perfect as it is. The first one really is amazing though if you haven't seen it, you so have to! I own it and everything and have seen it over 10 times. It's one of those movies you can never tire of. The newer version couldn't possibly be anywhere near as good.

I think I'm going to see it for HN. XD

I've never seen any remade classic movies, but it's really cool seeing all the old cars and stuffeh. ^^

Sun Jul 03, 2005 5:46 pm

DM was on fire! wrote:
Monique wrote:That's my favourite movie of all time! Why on earth are they remaking it though? The original is perfect as it is. The first one really is amazing though if you haven't seen it, you so have to! I own it and everything and have seen it over 10 times. It's one of those movies you can never tire of. The newer version couldn't possibly be anywhere near as good.

I think I'm going to see it for HN. XD

I've never seen any remade classic movies, but it's really cool seeing all the old cars and stuffeh. ^^

I'll obviously watch it as well, but I just don't get why they're remaking it. It's perfect the way it is. All I suggest though, is that if anyone is going to see the newer version, rent the older one first. Trust me when I say, there couldn't possibly be any comparison.
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