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Fri Jul 15, 2005 11:29 pm
Recently, there's been some talk about how solo artists who leave their bands or take a break from their bands to go solo have become sell-outs. Artists like Beyoncé, Gwen Stefani and Rob Thomas have gone solo and are doing quite well on their own.
Therefore, does anyone think they should go/stay solo or should they just stay with their bands?
I personally don't mind because I end up liking the solo artist and check out their band's music. I have nothing against any artist who leaves their band to become solo.
Sat Jul 16, 2005 12:45 am
I don't care about them leaving their band or whatever, as long as their music is good, I don't mind.
If they wanna do their own thing, let them. ^^
Sat Jul 16, 2005 12:48 am
I don't have enough experience to go either way, but, er, John Lennon's stuff is good. So is most of the Beatles oeuvre, though.
Sat Jul 16, 2005 11:54 am
As long as I still like their music, I have no problems with it. Beyonce is awful though, and I have no clue who Rob Thomas is.
Sat Jul 16, 2005 4:57 pm
I dont really care much. Its when there music is crap thats when I care. But, actually people that left there group/bands and went solo have made pretty good music. Justin Timberlake, Beyonce, Gwen Stefani, the dude from Matchbox 20 just to name a few.
Sat Jul 16, 2005 5:06 pm
Honestly, I think the term sellout gets used so much anymore that it's lost all meaning. It's like every artist except those whole live out of their cars are sellouts because they're making money. Just because a sound changes, it doesn't mean the artist sold out. It could mean that their preferences changed. Personally, my taste in music changes all the time. I used to only be able to listen to country, but now I can't stand it. For awhile I could only listen to alternative and punk, but right now that doesn't appeal to me and I'm listening solely to anime music. So if an artist goes solo, perhaps it's just a change in them, not them necessarily 'selling out', even if they're doing the more popular music sound rather than their old style of music.
That all being said, I voted that I don't really care. I usually don't like the solo music, but often I didn't like the bands the people were from in the first place. ^_- No Doubt and Matchbox Twenty being the exception.
Sat Jul 16, 2005 5:23 pm
MyleneFarmer wrote:Honestly, I think the term sellout gets used so much anymore that it's lost all meaning. It's like every artist except those whole live out of their cars are sellouts because they're making money. Just because a sound changes, it doesn't mean the artist sold out. It could mean that their preferences changed. Personally, my taste in music changes all the time. I used to only be able to listen to country, but now I can't stand it. For awhile I could only listen to alternative and punk, but right now that doesn't appeal to me and I'm listening solely to anime music. So if an artist goes solo, perhaps it's just a change in them, not them necessarily 'selling out', even if they're doing the more popular music sound rather than their old style of music.
I agree with you. Calling artists sell outs because they're trying create their own style doesn't make sense.
Sun Jul 17, 2005 7:57 pm
i dont care really. I just hate it when people go solo because they think theyre bigger than their band and end up making crap music. I'm all for musical experimentation
Mon Jul 18, 2005 4:59 pm
if the band breaks up, then i think it's okay. but if they break up the band just to go solo, then they're selling out
Tue Jul 19, 2005 7:24 pm
It's hard to answer the question as all artists that go solo are not alike. I believe that Rob Thomas has been doing a good job lately with his solo career, and I support him, but Gwen on the other hand, I think made a horrible decision (despite any inband problems, if there were any). It depends on the artists, really, but I don't care what they do with their careers, as it's their choice. In some cases though, it's apparent that it wasn't for the best.
Tue Jul 19, 2005 11:53 pm
varies from person to person.
Gwn Stefani sucks as a solo artist.
Robbie williams however, is a passable artist!
(considering take that, sucked all goodness from the medium...)
Wed Jul 20, 2005 10:01 pm
I really don't think they should. Not that they're complete sell-outs or anything, it's just that they usually suck when they do. Just look at Gwen Stefani(like Setekh said) and Geri Halliwell.
Sun Jul 24, 2005 3:09 pm
Monique wrote:I really don't think they should. Not that they're complete sell-outs or anything, it's just that they usually suck when they do.
I agree completely.
Thu Aug 11, 2005 12:36 pm
If they can sing decently, then I don't really mind. I care more about what the music sounds like than who plays it.
Thu Aug 11, 2005 1:48 pm
I'm not usually a fan, but Tori Amos was once in an unsuccessful, strange band (called Y Kant Tori Read) and she's doing much better on her own.
No, my life doesn't revolve around Tori. Why do you ask?
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