The big screen and the small screen... together at last! Hurrah!
Fri Aug 19, 2005 2:51 am
I'm not talking about Iron Chef America The Series, I'm talking the origianal Japanese Show, it is awesome beyond belive, the translation are amazing even though you get tired of having the same voice for all girl actresses that come on as guest though
. How do you guys feel about this show, I'm actully gonna log off just to watch it.
Fri Aug 19, 2005 2:04 pm
Iron Chef =
. I used to watch it when we still had cable. The whole concept is just awesome to me since I love to cook =3
Fri Aug 19, 2005 4:51 pm
They had this Iron Chef marathon this one time and my parents and I watched almost the entire thing. I love that show. I catch it whenver I can. I'd also give my first born to be one of the tasters.
Well, maybe not that far. Maybe...
Fri Aug 19, 2005 6:03 pm
If I had cable
Iron Chef would definetly be a show that I would NEVER MISS.
I loved it the few times I've seen it.
Just to see the odd dishes they make is awesome.
Fri Aug 19, 2005 6:15 pm
The problem with Iron Chef is that it's on late at night when I'm getting snack cravings, and we never have anything to snack on. >_< Or at least nothing as yummy looking as what they're making!
But I truly love this show. It's so much fun to watch, especially the chairman's antics. I remember one episode where he refused to come on the set or something because his Iron Chefs kept getting defeated, etc. That was a long time ago when I saw that one, so I can't fully remember. But it was some nifty 'drama'.
Fri Aug 19, 2005 7:21 pm
My favorite Iron Chef is Sakai; the french guy. I think he's hillarious! I like Chen more and more too.
And Mitshiba (probably butchered the spelling). They had a special way back a few years ago where the Iron Chefs went to America. And they went on a show with Gordon Elliiot where he goes around to your house, raids your fridge and cooks you dinner... well!
Mitshiba made "Pan fried leftovers"
It was so great!
I think my favorite battle yet has been the Octopus one with Sakai. He lost... I mean he lost pretty badly. But it was hillarious. He was so squeamish! He dropped like two of the octopus. Man... that was great.
Fri Aug 19, 2005 8:11 pm
Awww poor Octopus... they're yummy but still... awwww
I want one as a pet!
Too bad you can't choose the channels you want and pay for just those. Cable just seems like a waste to get if you're only going to watch like 5 of the channels (not including regular channels) out of what.. 300+?
Fri Aug 19, 2005 8:59 pm
After one of my teachers in high school mentioned it once on occasion during class, and then I started to watch Iron Chef religiously. Unfortunatly they kept moving the timeslot for it arounf to the point that I didn't want to watch it.... and then totally abandoned watching it when all they showed for the most part was the American dribble. ><
For the record it was the American special that got me started on my severe dislike for Bobby Flay.
Sat Aug 20, 2005 12:01 am
Runevalkyrie wrote:After one of my teachers in high school mentioned it once on occasion during class, and then I started to watch Iron Chef religiously. Unfortunatly they kept moving the timeslot for it arounf to the point that I didn't want to watch it.... and then totally abandoned watching it when all they showed for the most part was the American dribble. ><
For the record it was the American special that got me started on my severe dislike for Bobby Flay.
I totally hate Bobby Flay too! And I had this conversation yesterday! Wow!
Hah! Thats hillarious. Grrr... Bobby Flay. Grrr.
Sat Aug 20, 2005 12:33 am
Runevalkyrie wrote:After one of my teachers in high school mentioned it once on occasion during class, and then I started to watch Iron Chef religiously. Unfortunatly they kept moving the timeslot for it arounf to the point that I didn't want to watch it.... and then totally abandoned watching it when all they showed for the most part was the American dribble. ><
For the record it was the American special that got me started on my severe dislike for Bobby Flay.
Flay is just one New Yorker that you'd think would be from New Jearsy, he's such a poser too, he has another show on Food about BBQ, what in the heck does he know about BBQ, he's not southern what so ever, and he thinks he knows it all, he's a bunch of crap, I hate that guy so much!!!!
Sat Aug 20, 2005 10:52 am
yea i watch it....maybe its not the dame one that is aired in australia but i still love it..i just love sitting in front of my T.V and drool over the food they cook...
and dont say u havent done it before!
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