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Big Brother 6 (American) (Split #2)

Wed Sep 07, 2005 8:57 pm

Continued from this thread: ... &start=180

It's come to my attention that this thread contains a whole lot of spoileriffic discussion of some kind of live feed of the house...or whatever. *has NEVER watched this show* Please remember to be courteous and set spoilers in small text, like so:
Snape kills Dumbledore!
Also keep in mind that commentary on spoilers are very often spoilers in themself, so watch what you're saying, or set it in small text just to be sure.

Wed Sep 07, 2005 8:59 pm

Yay- splitness.

Oh, Janelle- I love you.

""I don't want to slander anybody on national television, but her girlfriend is ugly as hell."


Anyway, it looks like my dream has a chance of coming true. Could Ivette POSSIBLY do the smart thing.

Very unlikely, but you never know... :P

Wed Sep 07, 2005 9:07 pm

matterbug wrote:""I don't want to slander anybody on national television, but her girlfriend is ugly as hell."


I know eh! That was hilarious, way to go Janelle!

As for Ivette being smart, she may actually do it but I think she'll back out in the last minute.

Wed Sep 07, 2005 11:29 pm

Well... I caught yesterday's episode...
Pretty scary Veto challenge it was o.o; all those combo'd faces...

I guess I'm right to assume that (Howie + Janelle) vs (other 3) is the remaining faction around here?

Jumping ship sounds like a fun idea... :P

Wed Sep 07, 2005 11:41 pm

ScottNak wrote:Well... I caught yesterday's episode...
Pretty scary Veto challenge it was o.o; all those combo'd faces...

I guess I'm right to assume that (Howie + Janelle) vs (other 3) is the remaining faction around here?

Jumping ship sounds like a fun idea... :P

Yes, it is.

Ivette won't jump ship, remember, she has "morals".

Thu Sep 08, 2005 1:41 am



She does look awfully like Piggy. :P

Fri Sep 09, 2005 1:04 am


Janelle got HOH! She got a perfect score in the competition! The force is STRONG with Jedi Janey, and she's gonna slice down the Nerd Herd against all odds! Who cares who wins veto? One of them is G-A-W-N!

And...LOL...Ivette's girlfriend hates Cappy and likes Janelle! Oh, the beauty of it!

Fri Sep 09, 2005 1:07 am

o_0 wrote:Image


She does look awfully like Piggy. :P

See in the first pic where she's hugging Ivette.. she doesn't look bad.. but that second one! That must just be a bad day or something.

I'm just mad that they actually showed Janelle saying that.
it just proves that CBS is trying to make Janelle AND Howie look bad while still making the Nerd Herd look like saints.
It almost never shows the constant hatred and nasty crap that spews out of their mouthes 24/7.

Really really making me mad the way this show is being edited.
I think we can all figure out why they would do that though... they think one of the NH is going to win so they're trying to edit them better than they are so not too many people will be totally PO'd when they win.
If that makes any sense.

Alright.. well after watching tonight's episode.. MAN Ivette's girlfriend just doesn't take pictures well b/c she was erally a cute girl on tonight's episode.
Those pictures definetly don't do her justice.
And I'm glad that even though she is the gf of Ivette she doesn't let that get in the way of her own opinions on everything that's happening. She also thought it was creepy with the obsession with Crappy.. and she actually likes Janelle... Well maybe not after she sees the comment that was made about her but still.
Still mad that CBS even aired that.

And I'm SOOO sad to see Howie leave :(
I watched some more of him and Janie playing Sith Lord vs Jedi and it's just hilarious.
He's such a good sport most of the time.. well.. cept for when Kaysar left :P heh
And he was just so funny and cute in that big dork kind a way.

And and and... YAY JANIE getting HOH!!!!!!!!! WOOOOO! One of the Crappettes are going HOME!!!!!! WOOOOOOOOO!!!!!
Now we just have to hope that she gets veto next week so she'll make it to final 2.

Oh and could you believe Jennifer... UGH.. I hate her and SO glad James didn't even try to be nice to her... that was freakin hilarious.

Fri Sep 09, 2005 1:17 am

I missed tonight's episode due to OC. But I did see bits and pieces during the commercial.

So glad Janelle won HoH. She'll never win the game, though. Unless the Nerd Herd actually act on the fact that they think she's an awesome player.

Fri Sep 09, 2005 1:17 am

The second picture is of Piggy from Road Rules Australia, not of Maggie.

Maggie does look better in real life. :)

HAHAHA Janey won! Yay!

Oh, and don't forget to vote for her starting at 9 PM PST!!!

:P I love how the viewer questions are subconsciously mean. "Maggie, how have you changed?" "Well, Julie, I gained 24 pounds because of PB&J."


Fri Sep 09, 2005 1:31 am

I could care less about the AC....... ooo they get to go to a set of some crappy show.... :roll:

It will be fun to see the Crappettes freak out over Janie winning it again and being in total denial abotu America loving her.
Gonna love to see their wonderful remarks about America like they made last time!
And gonna be funny to hear about them saying that BB must've rigged it... :lol:

Fri Sep 09, 2005 1:56 am

Shollia wrote:It will be fun to see the Crappettes freak out over Janie winning it again and being in total denial abotu America loving her.
Gonna love to see their wonderful remarks about America like they made last time!
And gonna be funny to hear about them saying that BB must've rigged it... :lol:

I KNOW! I am so thrilled they're going to see Janelle win AC and walk over to the set. Ivette will probably ball her eyes out and than talk bad about Janelle behind her back. Haha.

As for Howie leaving, it was sad but my happiness is due to Janelle winning, she should nominate Maggie and Ivette and make April choose who should go home. Or to stir things up, nominate Ivette and April and make Maggie choose.


Edit: Also, I noticed how Ivette's girlfriend was really pretty, those pictures as Shollia said, do not do her justice. She is very pretty and I'm glad she has a good head on her shoulders, she notices Ivette has a freaky obsession with Crappy and that she should stop playing the way she is playing if she wants to win. Go Maggie!

Fri Sep 09, 2005 8:42 pm

YAY JANIE. I've loved her since the beginning, and it looks like she is our only hope. If she can win HoH next week (shouldn't be too hard- since it's usually an endurance comp.), then she's in the final two. She probably won't get the votes- but she can still take out as many Fiendsheep as she can.

I was sad to see Howie go, he cracked me up with the lightsabers. XD

And wow, I really like the cappy-hater Maggie too! She hates Eric and likes Janelle. What more can you ask for?

Sat Sep 10, 2005 4:38 pm

America's Choice spoiler

Janie wins!

Nominations Spoiler

Janie nominates ivette and maggie

Sat Sep 10, 2005 6:48 pm

Stephanie wrote:America's Choice spoiler

Janie wins!


Stephanie wrote:Nominations Spoiler

Janie nominates ivette and maggie

Didn't really matter who she nominated. Let's see...

If Janie wins veto, she'll leave the nominations where they stand, I guess, and April will vote out Ivette.
If Ivette wins veto, she'll take herself off and vote out April.
If April wins veto, she'll take Maggie off and...uh...Ivette automatically leaves? What happens next?
If Maggie wins veto, she'll take herself off and vote out Ivette.

Methinks Ivette is doomed.
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