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Trying to Make a TV Script - Your Input Needed

Thu Jul 13, 2006 8:03 pm

The idea for the show is a cross between Lizzy McGuire and Scrubs. What I mean is I want to make a show that has the humor and occational drama of Scrubs, but the setting of High School with Teens!

This is where you all come in. IF you were watching a show about the ups and downs of High School, what would you want to see included?

Thu Jul 13, 2006 8:07 pm

I'd like to see NO stereotypes, NO bad jokes, and NO "no teenager would ever say/do this" things.

That's what I hate about teenager TV shows. In most of them, the actors either overact or they act their poorly-written roles well. :-/

Thu Jul 13, 2006 8:09 pm

I totally agree. Thats a good idea!

Sat Jul 15, 2006 10:15 pm

I think the truth. Actual events that have happened to people, like ask some teenagers you know to tell you a few stories of things that happen to them at school or with friends from school or ask adults about things that happened to them in their teens, and try to make it truthful so lots of people can relate. =3 I tend to watch shows more if I'm in the same situation as a character because if it works out in the end I might want to try their technique of solving the problem. Just a thought. :D

P.S. If you want, I can tell you some stories about stupid things I've done around my crush ><

Mon Jul 17, 2006 5:11 am

I ditto Queen Moofienne man. The things that draw people into a good show is either just making them crack up totally, like in a comedy, or by making the viewer relate to the characters, or see himself as the characters. If you make realistic plots, the people will sort of "subconsciously" envision themselves as the characters, and it will suck them in. Also think of Star Trek man, everyone knows that wouldn't happen in real life right now, but there's a whole horde of dedicated fans who envision themselves as Picard, Kirk, Spock, or McCoy. They want to be that person, and the makers of Star Trek crafted a futuristically believable, but still engaging, universe for their viewers.

Just my two pennies.

And yeah, if you want stories, I've got some. Also, what sort of age group are we going for here, like, Laguna Beach level, or Lizzie McGuire style and Lizzie McGuire level?

Mon Jul 17, 2006 11:32 am

Reminds me of my economics teacher. he started writing down all the things that have happened at my high school, it actually got quite interesting. I hope he finishes that chronology one day.

i say go for subtle stereotypes. You need them, their part of natural reasoning and key in making plotlines clearer for the audience.

Mon Jul 17, 2006 1:16 pm

Scrap it all and write something about robot elephants.

With lasers.

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