The big screen and the small screen... together at last! Hurrah!
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Sat Apr 14, 2007 4:17 pm

"Drive": A series set across the backdrop of an illegal automobile road race with the central focus being on the competitors and eventually on the puppet masters behind the race. Regarding the tone of the show, Minear has described it thusly: "A secret, illegal, underground road race can be anything from Cannonball Run to The Game to North by Northwest to Magnolia-on-wheels. Ours is all those things."

Who caught the premiere last night in Canada? I for one did and I loved it; it has one of my favourite actors (Nathan Fillion) and I just loved everything about it. I can't wait to catch the next episode! So intense.

It's premiering April 15th in the U.S. on FOX.

Thu Apr 19, 2007 1:59 am

I missed this, and I'm not totally getting how it works and all. I find it funny that I'm the only one who replies to your post, and I have never even seen it :P

Sat Apr 21, 2007 12:50 am

siouxper wrote:I missed this, and I'm not totally getting how it works and all. I find it funny that I'm the only one who replies to your post, and I have never even seen it :P

I know eh?

Well, you can catch it Monday's at 8:00PM EST I believe on FOX.

In Canada, it's on tonight at 9:00PM EST on CTV. Don't miss it!
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