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Last Movie You Watched & What You Thought [Split]

Sun Dec 14, 2008 3:41 pm

The Wizard of Oz
I am seriously getting sick of this movie now.....I can pretty much say all the lines and sing along with every song, but I still somehow love this movie. I guess it was a good thing to watch it since I'm in a school production of The Wizard of Oz and comparing the actors from the movie to the friends I have performing just made me laugh so much, but also think about characterization.

I think I'll most likely watch this movie again at Christmas :)


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Re: Last Movie You Watched & What You Thought [Split]

Mon Dec 15, 2008 3:07 am

MST3K: Santa Claus Conquers The Martians
"I want to decide who lives and who dies."
"Oh, I don't know."

Re: Last Movie You Watched & What You Thought [Split]

Mon Dec 15, 2008 8:10 pm

The Dutchess - I thought it was an amazing movie; a little fast paced at times but otherwise, the acting was superb (kudos to Kiera Knightly and Ralph Fiennes!).

Re: Last Movie You Watched & What You Thought [Split]

Wed Dec 17, 2008 6:16 am

The Descent
Having never seen The Descent before, I had been wanting to check it out after hearing so much positive feedback about it. I have to say that I wasn't disappointed. The movie was a very good modern day horror movie with all the right amounts of horror and suspense rolled in. I think it was a good idea getting a fairly unknown cast of women (I had only seen two in other projects before) as you don't have a sense of what the fates of the characters will be. The ending was also a nice twist, as it was out of left field. Although, the American and UK versions are supposed to have different endings and this version had the UK one (the endings are the same, but the UK is extended).
If you are looking for a great horror movie full of thrills, suspense, action, and the makings of what a film of the genre should be, I highly recommend The Descent, as it had all of those things.

Re: Last Movie You Watched & What You Thought [Split]

Mon Dec 22, 2008 3:41 am

Into the Wild
Uh, Emile Hirsch is pretty much made of awesome. The scenery was beautiful and the supporting cast, phenomenal. I wish I had more to say about this movie, but I'm just too busy being happy that I finally broke and watched it. I definitely recommend this movie, unless animal carcasses make you squeamish.

Re: Last Movie You Watched & What You Thought [Split]

Mon Dec 22, 2008 6:10 pm


Many might say that they couldn't imagine me enjoying this film. They would be wrong.
Oh how I laughed at the films expense.
You can tell within, like, five minutes of this film that Stephanie Mayer (?) wrote these books with the intention of having a main character representing her that was actually good looking, but, like, she totally didn't know it and got asked out all the time by, like, all these gorgeous dudes but she totally couldn't see why, and then the deific head jock falls in love with her! Like, totally radical dude!*

It was funny, and I may just be highly perverted but the phrase "Please keep your thoughts to yourself Alice" had me in stitches.

(I apologise in advance for any damage my attempt at being a sixteen year old girl may have caused.

You should see it, if only for the fact that its about two and a half hours of snark bait waiting to happen.

Re: Last Movie You Watched & What You Thought [Split]

Tue Dec 23, 2008 6:35 am

Seven Pounds - It was an okay movie. Not amazing, not horrible, but okay; it was far too confusing at points and just odd at other points. Interesting movie though.

Re: Last Movie You Watched & What You Thought [Split]

Tue Dec 23, 2008 7:56 am

Asthaloth, if you thought the movie was terrible, you should try the books. It's actually astounding, managing to create something so chock-full of fail.

Oh Uwe Boll, every time I lower my expectations for you, you find a way to hit rock bottom and start digging. And LOL Warner from Legally Blonde was in this ahahahahahaha.

Re: Last Movie You Watched & What You Thought [Split]

Tue Dec 23, 2008 8:42 pm

Razzle Dazzle.

It's a mockumentary about australian competitive dance (co-written by an acquaintance.) It's ACE.

Re: Last Movie You Watched & What You Thought [Split]

Fri Dec 26, 2008 5:11 pm

Fiddelysquat wrote:Asthaloth, if you thought the movie was terrible, you should try the books. It's actually astounding, managing to create something so chock-full of fail.

Some dark power managed to get me to buy all four of them just before the holidays started.
It's... Charmingly thick, racist and sexist. But there is the hint, under all the industrial strength idiocy (Bella. Say no more aye) under all the disturbing events (Jacob. If you read it, you know what) the hint of a good story.

I hate me too ¬_¬

Re: Last Movie You Watched & What You Thought [Split]

Sat Dec 27, 2008 10:05 am

Disaster Movie.

And yes, it was a true disaster of a film. Awful, terrible waste of time.

Re: Last Movie You Watched & What You Thought [Split]

Sat Dec 27, 2008 10:23 am

Bob wrote:Disaster Movie.

And yes, it was a true disaster of a film. Awful, terrible waste of time.

Can't believe you wasted around 1-2hrs of your life watching a film that you knew was going to be a disaster anyway. LOL

Re: Last Movie You Watched & What You Thought [Split]

Sat Dec 27, 2008 5:55 pm

StuMan wrote:
Bob wrote:Disaster Movie.

And yes, it was a true disaster of a film. Awful, terrible waste of time.

Can't believe you wasted around 1-2hrs of your life watching a film that you knew was going to be a disaster anyway. LOL

You have to sit through the awful in order to truly appreciate the outstanding.

Also, just watched The King Of Kong - movie documentary about the feud between two Donkey Kong World Record holders. Great stuff!

Re: Last Movie You Watched & What You Thought [Split]

Sun Dec 28, 2008 12:13 am

The Tale of Desperaux - Utterly dissapointing. So utterly dissapointing. Mice and rats armed with swords should be cool. Instead it was boring.

Re: Last Movie You Watched & What You Thought [Split]

Sun Dec 28, 2008 11:41 am

Man On Wire.

Documentary about Phillippe Petit and his wire walk across the World Trade Center in 1974.

Recommended. ;)
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