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Soap Operas

Wed Aug 11, 2004 10:42 pm

Who watches em'? I'm just curious! ^_^ And if you do which one(s)? I watch Days of Our Lives *pokes siggy* and sometimes General Hospital!

Wed Aug 11, 2004 11:53 pm

Moved to entertainment. :)

Thu Aug 12, 2004 3:38 am

I used to watch Guiding Light every day. Now I'm stuck on Y+R. Victor is such a stuck up snob.

Thu Aug 12, 2004 11:40 pm

I watch both Passions and Days...
My parents hate it. My dad says The Simpsons is more educational :P

Fri Aug 13, 2004 12:48 am

-shudder- I can't STAND soap operas. Every episode is the same to me:

Woman#429: You mean...Billy dumped Susan for Jeremy just so he could look into Karen's eyes to see that the real, true love was for Lalaine's pet schnauzer...
LoveInterest#783: Yes, Johanna...but it was all for you.
Woman#429: Oh really? -slap-
LoveInterest: Why don't you understand me anymore?

Sorry, not my type of watchin'.

Fri Aug 13, 2004 2:44 am

My friend watches Passions, so sometimes I watch it with her. She's not into it that much.

Fri Aug 13, 2004 3:16 am

I watch Spanish soap operas. I like laughing at everything that happens :P Plus, I grew up watching them. It's just a thing with my family...

Fri Aug 13, 2004 5:54 am

Days of our Lives for me, and now I'm going to go nuts for the next 2 weeks while it's not shown for the olympics.

Fri Aug 13, 2004 8:58 am

I haven't heard of the Soaps mentioned, so I'm guessing they're American? o_O Don't flame me if they're not. :P

I watch Hollyoaks...and ummm...Neighbours. :oops:

Fri Aug 13, 2004 3:32 pm

I hate all soap operas. You're leaving me,*slap*! HMMPH! My sister watches general hospital though. ughh, they are just weird and all the same!

Fri Aug 13, 2004 3:34 pm

I like Soap Opera-esque animes. I'm not sure if that counts, though. ;P

Fri Aug 13, 2004 3:50 pm

neighbours, hollyoaks and eastenders :) (yes, i'm in england!!)

Fri Aug 13, 2004 4:05 pm

Mesa hate Soap Operas. As said before, they're all the same. And things that would NEVER happen, happen in them.

Conversation in a random Soap Opera:

Jane: Fredrick, we must end our relationship!
Fredrick: Why?! I've done nothing wrong...
Jane: You don't like my cookings!! GOODBYE!!
*Jane leaves*
Fredrick: I cannot live anymore, aaaaaurrgghh!!
*Fredrick jumps out of a window*
*A guy comes in to the house*
Guy: Is anyone home? Oh, a open window...
*Guy heads to close the window*
*Jane comes in*
Jane: What did you do, Mark?! Did you kill him...?
Mark: No, I didn't!
*Jane takes out gun and shoots Mark, Mark flies out of the window*
Jane: Liar...

And etc. Wow, that was pretty long.

Fri Aug 13, 2004 10:24 pm

I watch Days and Passions although they are dragging along at an irritating pace and have fallen into a rather repetitive rut. Passions is starting to pick up a bit though. I tend to barely watch these past weeks, I'll have it on in my room while im reading or on the computer or eating food or something.

Neither of them will be back until Aug. 30th though

Fri Aug 13, 2004 10:48 pm

r4che1 wrote:neighbours, hollyoaks and eastenders :) (yes, i'm in england!!)

Oh verrrry good! Apart from Eastenders. Iffy at the moment. :P
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