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The Drew Carey Show

Wed Sep 08, 2004 2:53 am

Well, tomorrow is the very last episode of my fave show :( . I've been a faithful fan since it's begining in 1995. I'm sad to see it go, but all things must come to an end. Although I must admit the most recent shows haven't lived up to the older ones. They skipped around too much in these past few weeks. In one episode Kellie isn't pregnant, the next one she is. Then two or three episodes later, she isn't again. I miss the shows they did live, and the april fools ones where you had to find what was wrong with the episode. *sighs* I miss the show already.

Wed Sep 08, 2004 4:20 am

The Drew Carrey show is great, the episodes where the did everything to a theme or I think one entirely Pig Latin wre very good. I find Drew Carrey and all the others very funny and among my favourite comedians.

Wed Sep 08, 2004 5:51 am

Aw, they're ending it? That's a pity. I'll admit, my most favorite episodes were those April fools episodes. Those were quite fun :D

I sorta lost interest when Kate left (I can't remember exactly when and why) but right after that... "eh" i lost intrest :/

Wed Sep 08, 2004 5:57 am

Christopher wrote:The Drew Carrey show is great, the episodes where the did everything to a theme or I think one entirely Pig Latin wre very good. I find Drew Carrey and all the others very funny and among my favourite comedians.

I think that was one of my fave episodes as well. Can't quite remember it all too well... (awful memory) because it's been a while since I last saw it. It was funny anyway. It's a shame to hear that the show is ending. To be honest, I didn't even know until I saw this post. O_o

Wed Sep 08, 2004 12:14 pm

I some times watch that show when its on...
Actually, yesterday there was the episode where Buzzbeer was invented :roll:

Thu Sep 09, 2004 3:32 am

Drew Carey rocks. The last episode was great, but I was disappointed that Kate didn't reappear in the last episode. At least they brough Mr. Wick back. I'll miss the show...

Now we just need DVDs...

Thu Sep 09, 2004 5:04 am

Thats ashame that its going away, because that was a really funny show. I just couldnt keep up with it because the station The Drew Carey Show was on always got switched to diffrent times. But I'll never forget the first theme song which was great.

Thu Sep 09, 2004 5:35 am

ABC thouroughly pooped on that show. Someone didn't like it and they changed its scheduling without warning so even its most dedicated followers couldn't keep track of it. Stupid ABC.

Sun Sep 12, 2004 8:02 pm

The Drew Carey show I used to think was hilarious,but I stopped watching it after Kate left. I did watch the finale though. I'm glad Drew finally found someone,but he should've been with Kate.
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