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Demolition Man predicted the future freakishy well!!!

Thu Sep 16, 2004 3:46 pm

It came out over 10 years ago, but OMG what they said! :o Dude, it was set in the future, like 2030, maybe? And Sandra Bullock was going along somewhere outside, and she had to explain to her partner (Sylvester Stallone) that had been frozen because he was a violent cop or something, about some monument or library. It's the description that FREAKS ME OUT!!! haha It was named after Arnold Schwarzennegar our something-th president, that's right, president! Well, Stallone was confused because he was born in Austria. Well, Bullock goes on to say that people had loved him so much as the GOVENOR OF CALIFONIA that they made an amendment to the constitution to allow foreigners to become president. Guess what was proposed in the last few days? That's right, a bill that would allow foreigners who had been like citizens for 20 years or something to run for presidency. And you know that there are enough stupid people who would vote for him because he's a celebrity. I AM FREAKED OUT!!!!!! Okay, now I'm going to faint, haha

Thu Sep 16, 2004 6:52 pm

Coincidences like this are what make life amusing :)

It would be very strange to have Arnie at the head of America...

Thu Sep 16, 2004 7:45 pm

I'm sorry,I didn't totally follow that..all I got was Arnold being Govenor of California. Maybe I am just tired..

Fri Sep 17, 2004 9:44 am

Demolition Man was a movie that came out in like 1993, and in it it's supposed to be the 2030's. It was mentioned in the movie that a law was passed to let foreign-born people to run for president which was a result of people loving Arnold as the Govenor of California. That was all in the movie. Well, you heard that Arnold became govenor last year, right? Well, a few days ago a bill was proposed that would allow a foreign-born person run for president if he or she had been a citizen for 20 or more years. Craziness, right? :P

Sat Sep 18, 2004 4:51 pm

heh i like that movie,whats better then havin a cop from the old age wake up into the future,where the cops don't really do anythin in there time lol

Sat Sep 18, 2004 9:06 pm

When someone is finally able to adequately explain the 3 shells, then I'll start to take Demolition Man as a prediction of the future. That proposed amendment will never pass, it's just another thing for a Congress-person to do to get their name in the paper.

Sun Sep 19, 2004 1:13 am

May I remind you that the forum rules state that political discussion isn't allowed outside the Debate usergroup. Even though you have connected it to the movie, you are leaning into a political discussion about the subject.
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