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The Incredibles

Sun Nov 07, 2004 5:14 am

Has anyone else seen it yet? If not, I'd highly reccomend it. It's hilarious :P. All the Pixar ones are good though. Too bad they only have one more movie with Disney.

Anyways, I liked the part where the lady was explaining how snags in suits could be deadly...and like you saw a string from this guy's suit attached to a rocket and stuff....I dunno, there's just so many little things in there.

Sun Nov 07, 2004 5:27 am

I saw it tonight due to the fact that The Grudge was sold out.
My favorite part of the movie was the scene where Syndrome tries to kidnap their baby, Jack-Jack, and Jack Jack morphs shape and form a few times. =D

Sun Nov 07, 2004 5:55 am

I haven't seen it yet but i will definitly go see it within the next month. Its the must see movie on my it does look very funny.

Sun Nov 07, 2004 3:37 pm

I don't think it's out yet here, but I'll probably go see it when it's out. The animation looks gorgeous, but it always does with Pixar. :)

Sun Nov 07, 2004 6:06 pm

Ahh that little kid on the tricycle! TOO CUTE!

"That was so totally wicked!!!!" :roflol:

The movie was great too ;)

Sun Nov 07, 2004 6:11 pm

I saw it, and I was impressed (I was expecting to be). My favorite part is when they are talking about WHY superheroes never wear capes (with visuals). Classic.

Mon Nov 08, 2004 2:20 am

Wow! Amazing! I absolutely loved it. Enough action and emotion to satisfy this girl (my brother wanted to see Saw...insolent child). I loved Syndrome. I loved the whole Incredible family too, but Syndrome was the kind of bad guy that made you laugh but also made you love hating him just for the satisfying pleasure of it. Edna was great too :lol: Definitely a movie everybody should see.

And I had figured out what Syndrome's downfall would be half way through the movie. He turned his back and I just knew....
I shall say no more.

Re: The Incredibles

Mon Nov 08, 2004 3:11 am

Mermaid Hil wrote:Has anyone else seen it yet? If not, I'd highly reccomend it. It's hilarious :P. All the Pixar ones are good though. Too bad they only have one more movie with Disney.

Anyways, I liked the part where the lady was explaining how snags in suits could be deadly...and like you saw a string from this guy's suit attached to a rocket and stuff....I dunno, there's just so many little things in there.

I haven't seen it, but I definitely will. :) Why do you say "it's too bad" Pixar only has 1 more movie with Disney? I think once they cut their ties with Disney it may prove to be a good thing for them... I see more creative freedom for Pixar. It'll be bad news for Disney though XD

But speaking of their last movie with Disney... I saw a preview of it on TV. The movie is titled "Cars"..... and I dunno. It just doesn't look as high caliber as the previous Pixar films.

Re: The Incredibles

Mon Nov 08, 2004 3:22 am

Chanel wrote:
Mermaid Hil wrote:Has anyone else seen it yet? If not, I'd highly reccomend it. It's hilarious :P. All the Pixar ones are good though. Too bad they only have one more movie with Disney.

Anyways, I liked the part where the lady was explaining how snags in suits could be deadly...and like you saw a string from this guy's suit attached to a rocket and stuff....I dunno, there's just so many little things in there.

I haven't seen it, but I definitely will. :) Why do you say "it's too bad" Pixar only has 1 more movie with Disney? I think once they cut their ties with Disney it may prove to be a good thing for them... I see more creative freedom for Pixar. It'll be bad news for Disney though XD

But speaking of their last movie with Disney... I saw a preview of it on TV. The movie is titled "Cars"..... and I dunno. It just doesn't look as high caliber as the previous Pixar films.

I used to think Disney actually MADE the movies too, but they don't. I guess it's not so bad, more money for them! And yeah, the Cars movie looks ok, but I always say that and end up loving them.

Mon Nov 08, 2004 6:12 am

i was wondering what was jack-jacks power anyways i think it was anything in his inmagination he turns into and i wondr how edna knew he needed a costume

Re: The Incredibles

Mon Nov 08, 2004 7:35 am

Mermaid Hil wrote:Has anyone else seen it yet? If not, I'd highly reccomend it. It's hilarious :P. All the Pixar ones are good though. Too bad they only have one more movie with Disney.

Boo-erns on Michael Eisner for being a poopy head.

Mon Nov 08, 2004 5:30 pm

I really wanted to see this movie after the teaser trailer. It looks hilarious. It racked up 70million in it's first weekend! Wow!

Mon Nov 08, 2004 6:19 pm

Ammer wrote:I really wanted to see this movie after the teaser trailer. It looks hilarious. It racked up 70million in it's first weekend! Wow!

Wow...that's amazing! *jaw drops*

Mon Nov 08, 2004 6:32 pm

Does anyone know if it's out here yet/when it will be out?

I love Pixar stuff, and while it doesn't immedietly look like something I'd want to see, I probably will anyway. =P

Mon Nov 08, 2004 7:26 pm

Cassi wrote:Does anyone know if it's out here yet/when it will be out?

I love Pixar stuff, and while it doesn't immedietly look like something I'd want to see, I probably will anyway. =P

26th November. I think, anyway. o_O
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