The big screen and the small screen... together at last! Hurrah!
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Tue Nov 09, 2004 1:39 am

I love and hate this show. It takes 3 months for something to happen, but when it does it's great.

Tue Nov 09, 2004 2:32 am

Try watching Days Of Our Lives ;P. They've been in the same two weeks since April =P. All soap operas move insanely slow. It's their way of getting you hooked and keeping you watching. I've never actually watched an entire episode of Passions, but I always see the first few minutes (after I've watched Days Of Our Lives), and I sort of know a little bit about what's going on. Jasujo is a big fan though =P

Tue Nov 09, 2004 6:12 am

Passions is my favorite show :D Then days.

Only difference is that the Passions/Days here is 4 years behind the US... So if you've seen passions from the very begining, right now its where Charity has been sucked into hell :P

But I do know whats happening in the US now... My dad always brings me taped episodes when he visits, and I watch clips from the web...

All soap operas move insanely slow

Thats always been true... Thats one of the things that annoy me... The charcters always repeat the situation as if there is going to be a new viewer each day.

Tue Nov 09, 2004 11:21 pm

Sapphire Faerie wrote:Try watching Days Of Our Lives ;P. They've been in the same two weeks since April =P. All soap operas move insanely slow. It's their way of getting you hooked and keeping you watching. I've never actually watched an entire episode of Passions, but I always see the first few minutes (after I've watched Days Of Our Lives), and I sort of know a little bit about what's going on. Jasujo is a big fan though =P

Yeah I watch days, when im home, but it comes on when im at school. :(

Wed Nov 10, 2004 1:39 am

Stephanie wrote:
Sapphire Faerie wrote:Try watching Days Of Our Lives ;P. They've been in the same two weeks since April =P. All soap operas move insanely slow. It's their way of getting you hooked and keeping you watching. I've never actually watched an entire episode of Passions, but I always see the first few minutes (after I've watched Days Of Our Lives), and I sort of know a little bit about what's going on. Jasujo is a big fan though =P

Yeah I watch days, when im home, but it comes on when im at school. :(

You might not have it, but there's a channel called SoapNet that repeats the days soap operas in the the evenings (Days comes on at 6 PM CST) and then they show the entire week's episodes back to back on Sunday evenings.

Wed Nov 10, 2004 7:25 pm

The one that drove me nuts was Bold and the Beautiful. The kids went from 8-18 in just a month. I hate that. I useally say "They're not bad looking for eight year olds." but the character is 18. I used to watch Passions but the plot line was messed. I watch Day some times but the plot is also messed. Those people are spose to be dead. Shawn was sapose to be killed off. He is still alive and kicking.

Thu Nov 11, 2004 6:18 pm

No one ever really dies on soap operas, there's always some twist to bring the person back.
Aging kids happens way too much. It boosts ratings to have a pregnancy, but then you're stuck with the kid. A kid that can't really add much to the show (unless they do a kidnapping thing), so they'll age the kid to being a teenager, where they can have affairs of their own.
Take Belle Brady on Days for example, she was a little kid, like 3 or 4 years old, and then suddenly she was 16. And then when she was 18 and went to college, her character managed to go through 4 years of college within one year, and suddenly she's in her 20s.
They've also been known to de-age characters. Mike Horton was in his late 30s or something, and then he was in his 20s. @_@

Thu Nov 11, 2004 6:45 pm

Sapphire Faerie wrote:Take Belle Brady on Days for example, she was a little kid, like 3 or 4 years old, and then suddenly she was 16. And then when she was 18 and went to college, her character managed to go through 4 years of college within one year, and suddenly she's in her 20s.

I remember that... Little Belle and Brady were like 3/5 years old... Their parents went away for awile, and 3 months later Belle is 10 years older :roll:
The funny thing is that Shawn was around at the same time and he was like 15...

And its true that no one dies... I hear Antonios coming back from the dead ;)

Thu Nov 11, 2004 7:27 pm

Shifty wrote:And its true that no one dies... I hear Antonios coming back from the dead ;)

He already has. He was dead for like a few episodes a couple of weeks ago, and now he's alive again. Apparently he was just passed out or something (because in soap opera time, only a few hours had passed).
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