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 Post subject: Pirates of the Caribbean 2! **Spoiler Thread**
PostPosted: Fri Jul 07, 2006 7:44 pm 
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It's nearing 12:00 AM. I'm standing at the front of the theater with my friend.

We're both wearing pirate outfits. Because we're cool.

Wow! Wow! Wow! What a ride! What an ending! I wondered how the sequel could possibly match up to the first, but after watching it I leaned over to my friend and said, "This definitely goes on my list of all time best sequels!" From running from cannibal tribals to the triple man fight between Jack, Will, and Norrington to the Kraken to that crazy cliffhanger ending, there was so much excitement.

I was terribly afraid that with all the hype of the Jack and Depp that they would just give Elizabeth and Will a simple cursory glance to their roles and just make the whole movie centering around and about Jack (as if he needs it), but I was pleased to see that all of the characters had their moments and their chance in the spotlight. I love Jack, but the movie needs the seriousness and tension that Will and Elizabeth bring. And then they threw Norrington in there as well just to make it crazier, that was great. I can see the fanfiction pairings now (Not that I read fanfiction, I can just see it is all).

And goodness, returning characters abound. I didn't expect to see Norrington again nor Pintell or Ragetti ("Hello poppet... ") much less Barbossa! I can't wait for the explanation for that one.

I'm sad to hear so many hated the cliffhanger ending. I thought it was brilliant an couldn't have ended any other way. If they explained how Barbossa got there and then just ended with them going "Alright! Let's do this!" and then running out the door, it would've been corny. Such a story as this needs to leave you hanging on the edge of excitement, because the ultimate message is that There's still a lot more to go. And we want your money. But it'll be good, so keep coming back.

Bah, I'm rambling again. I just loved the movie, that's all.


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PostPosted: Fri Jul 07, 2006 9:18 pm 
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I loved it too. I just got back (you must post costume pics!!) I loved it, but will be going crazy waiting for part 3. I just must say, I loved it. That is all.

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PostPosted: Sat Jul 08, 2006 12:16 am 
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I tried to catch the midnight showing, but it was sold out, so I settled for today afternoon instead. As you can probably guess, MAJOR spoilers below:

I should have seen Barbosa's ending coming, especially given that I'd read about it months ago, but it still caught me by surprise. :P I loved it, and I agree it's one of the few ways they could have done it right.

And what's up with Elizabeth? I can't help but think that one of the reasons she chained Jack to the Pearl was to get rid of all doubt in her mind that she was still in love with Will. :\ I'm not entirely sure the compass' hints towards their "relationship" are that accurate, either: I took it more to mean that she wants the life Jack has, the existance he represents, rather than the man himself, but that kiss and accompanying betrayel have thrown me for a loop.

Pirates III + Harry Potter V + Simpsons... I * Next July = BEST MONTH FOR MOVIES EVER.


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PostPosted: Sat Jul 08, 2006 12:31 am 
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I think she did it mostly because she was really ticked off with Jack. Remember, Jack completely lied to everybody, and worse he let Davy Jones take her man to save his own hide. And I can't remember if she found out about the whole 100 souls bit too, but that would've put another strike against Jack too. 100 of them perhaps. And then she's also right about how the Kraken was only after Jack. Under those circumstances I think the guy's lucky that she didn't stab him in the eye.


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PostPosted: Sat Jul 08, 2006 1:59 am 
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Eh, that would make sense. :oops: I know she was right about the Kraken, but before today, I thought she liked Jack better than to leave him tied to his own ship just so he could be eaten alive by the thing. :P

Did anyone else notice that the scenes shown in the commercials weren't at all like the scenes shown in the movie? I.e., Jack fell into the grave from a different (camera) angle, Will didn't cry out "Nevermind, let's go!" but whispered "Time to go," and so forth. I kind of liked that; it made the "expected" scenes more funny because it wasn't so obvious that they were coming up.


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PostPosted: Sat Jul 08, 2006 2:00 pm 
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Saw it yesterday with my best friend, going to see again today with my boyfriend. Loved it! You're right, the ending was perfect. I can't wait until 3!!
IMO, though, it didn't really get going until the whole story with Davy Jones began. I could have done without that whole island & savages part at the beginning. But other than that, it was great.
I loved that the Commodore was back, all dirty and scruffy. He looked like a different person from the first one. And the computer stuff was amazing, it all looked so real.
And yay for Johnny Depp!! ::swoon::

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PostPosted: Sat Jul 08, 2006 5:41 pm 
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Now one question...did Jack Sparrow's Jar of Dirt really have a purpose?


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PostPosted: Sat Jul 08, 2006 5:55 pm 
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...It made for a nice heart jar for all of 10 seconds.

I can't even remember what it was supposed to do initially. That said... the dirt was spilled all over the deak of the ship before the Kraken took it down (and Jack with it), so maybe that'll have an effect to be shown in the third movie?

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PostPosted: Sat Jul 08, 2006 7:14 pm 
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I think Davy wasn't allowed to walk on dirt or something. :P

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PostPosted: Sat Jul 08, 2006 8:26 pm 
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It was good, and I'm sure that after the 3rd movie I'll appreciate it better, but man... I can't stand when movies don't have endings. At least with the 1st Pirates movie, it had a self contained conflict with elements that could be carried into the sequel. But this one is like "Pirates of the Caribbean 2 - Part 1". Just one big movie broken into 2 parts with a one year intermission. I can't stand that. So that definitely ruined it a bit for me.

It also lost some of the feeling that made the original so amazing, but that's the nature of sequels. It's easy to move past that if you just look at this one on it's own (problem is you'll have to actually look at this one along with the next one to get a full story).

EDIT: To quote my friend - "T.V. shows have cliffhanger endings. I like my movies to have a beginning, middle, and end all within the same film".


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PostPosted: Sat Jul 08, 2006 11:19 pm 
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I actually just saw it this morning with my friend. I'd recommend everyone to go see it, this movie is AMAZING. The scenery, the costumes, everything in the movie is so realistic not to mention funny at times. Also, the kissing scene between Jack & Elizabeth! :o


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PostPosted: Sun Jul 09, 2006 2:27 am 
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I believe the jar of sand was so that Davy Jones wouldn't be allowed to set foot on their ship. It wasn't the Kraken that couldn't go onto land, it was the captain himself. Therefor, with the dirt being on the ship, it represented the land, and thus, no Mr. Jones arriving to kill Jack or something of that nature.

Did anyone else notice during the scene where Jack and the gang went to go visit her, that when she let Jack the Monkey out of its cage, it went running into the back where a pair of boots were all that could be seen and sat by them. I believe that was a hint as to how Barbossa survived, as that monkey only stayed in that little tree house because his master was there. I believe she had something to do with his survival - not sure how, but thats my theory.


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PostPosted: Sun Jul 09, 2006 12:27 pm 
Beyond Godly
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I'm guessing some terrible magics or another.
The moment I saw those boots come down the stairs at the end I said "That damn well better not be barbossa!" To several Shushes :oops:

Course I was mightily impressed by the logistics of the forward batteries on the flying dutchman.

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PostPosted: Mon Jul 10, 2006 7:16 pm 
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Tim and I saw the movie yesterday and I thought it was great. The time flew by so quickly and there wasn't one moment I was bored. :) I definitely can't wait until the next film. I felt so bad for poor Will. :( Did you stay for after the credits and see the dog as the new chief of the cannibals? XD That was great. :)

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PostPosted: Mon Jul 10, 2006 7:28 pm 
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Jasujo wrote:
Tim and I saw the movie yesterday and I thought it was great. The time flew by so quickly and there wasn't one moment I was bored. :) I definitely can't wait until the next film. I felt so bad for poor Will. :( Did you stay for after the credits and see the dog as the new chief of the cannibals? XD That was great. :)

A few people in the theatre I was at were waiting around for the after credit dog special. The people who were cleaning up the theatre kept giving us odd looks and, I believe, laughing at us :lol: I'm just glad it wasn't like the monkey scene at the end of the last movie. It made me jump, haha.


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