Star wars eh?
to be honest, im sick of the lot of em, Darth vader voted the greatest super villain of all time!
(he repented for bobs sake, super villains dont repent! nor do they let a silly thing like death get in the way of their schemes, gimme imhoetep or Unicron any day. heck. give me skeletor)
and i just dont like texas chainsaw massacre...
bah, star wars i guess, it had much Jedi killage in revenge of the sith.
edit. actually. no texas chainsaw massacre, bezerkers wielding chainsaws is way to much like a khorne beserker to not be cool (id not voted yet so its good)
to qoute Makabar of another forum;
I normally detest jedis, the entire jedi code is silly and hipocritical. "No emotion" my butt; I've yet to hear about a jedi who isn't an emo wuss at heart. But I digress.