Igg wrote:
SpiraLethe wrote:
Well, duh, everyone knows it's unhealthy, but it's not stopping anyone from eating fast food all the time. People know it's bad, but they don't conciously admit it when they're making decisions. This film was meant to shock people into really evaluating the affects of unhealthy dietary decisions and it was effective.
You can't conclusively prove that the film made people change their diets, though.
Perhaps with some people it did, but if the film alone did so then they're just as impressionable as people who buy things just because of the advert.
Well what it has managed to do is radically change the way Maccy D's (never thought i'd see myelf use that term) advertise, who their advertisement target and their overall menu.... before lettuce was the greeny brown stuff in your Big Mac, now it's the greeny brown stuff they expect people to eat as a meal with a bit of chicken. In Supersize Me, they could find any nutritional info.... now they cant shut up about calorie content.
I find it a bit pretentious cos some of the salads are full of salt and has as much calories as other unhealthy stuff on their menus