Yup. It got HORRIBLE reviews though because it's on at the same time as CSI and Grey's Anatomy, which are the highest rated shows on TV. It only got 3.4 million viewers which is the lowest it's ever gotten. :/ Fox is going to test it out on Wednesday and Thursday this week, so hopefully they'll move it to Wednesday for good and it won't get cancelled.
Season 1 was amazing. Season 2 was good. Season 3 was disappointing. However, after seeing the premiere, I love it again. I never liked Marissa very much but I don't know if killing her off was the best thing. However, this season looks promising. Ryan is brooding again and isn't so one-dimensional like he was last season. I love Seth so it's good to see him. Summer...eh, I don't know about her new-found hippie-ish ways. I do not like Kaitlin at all, so I'm glad they're sort of limiting her in the stories.
I saw the first episode when it streamed online. The second one is streaming as well, it's good! Seth and Ryan go to Mexico.
"I'm not superstitious, but I'm a little stitious."