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Fri Jun 17, 2005 10:38 am

Can't say I've really listened to much of their music, but I liked Somebody Told Me and Mr. Brightside. I especially love the video for Mr. Brightside. It's very, very Moulin Rouge. Anyone that's ever seen Moulin Rouge would immediately recognize it.

Sat Jun 18, 2005 11:17 am

I don't exactly mind them. They're doing good for themselves but lyrically, they're not the sharpest tool in the drawer. But that's only my opinion as they're not really my cup o' tea.

Wed Jun 22, 2005 1:09 am

®ºº wrote:I don't exactly mind them. They're doing good for themselves but lyrically, they're not the sharpest tool in the drawer. But that's only my opinion as they're not really my cup o' tea.

I agree about the lyrics part. ;)

*becomes addicted to Mr. Brightside* I will kill that radio next chance I get...

Wed Jun 22, 2005 2:29 am

I must say that The Killers are very awesome live. I saw them at the MMVA's and they sounded exactly like the song. Even though I'm not quite fond of it, I was impressed on how alike they sounded, a rare occasion in artists/bands these days.

Thu Jul 07, 2005 3:11 am

I had a small uppsession with them. They have an alternative rock sorta thing going on, and they have their own style. They're certainly uber awesome :)

Thu Jul 07, 2005 8:41 pm

They're a hoot live. They gave me the best time of my life, mostly because their songs are just so easy to sing along to and the energy was fantastic.

I bought their album a long time ago, and I do like the majority of the songs on it. They don't stand out musically as some other great bands do, but that doesn't mean that they aren't a good listen.

Re: The Killers

Sun Oct 19, 2008 5:45 pm

Wow, hasn't been posted in in over three years, but I didn't want to get in trouble by posting a topic about them when there already was one.

Has anyone heard their new single, titled Human? If so, I want to know what you think of it. My boyfriend recently got me into it, and I want to know what other people who have heard of it think of it. :)

Re: The Killers

Mon Oct 20, 2008 10:15 pm

Missy! wrote:Has anyone heard their new single, titled Human? If so, I want to know what you think of it. My boyfriend recently got me into it, and I want to know what other people who have heard of it think of it. :)

I can't stand "Human".

In all honesty, I feel as if their popularity is waning and I give them a few more years until they're completely gone.

Re: The Killers

Tue Oct 21, 2008 9:30 pm

I actually really like it (I've been listening to it a bit tonight), and am eagerly awaiting the release of the new album on the 25th November. :o

Re: The Killers

Fri Oct 31, 2008 3:26 am

Human is better than Sam's Town in its whole.
Sam's Town was a huge disappointment to me, especially since I was expecting a Hot Fuss pt. II.
Human reminds me more HF, so that's probably why I actually like it.

Only thing I'm not too excited about is it being in the new Blackberry commercials.
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