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Tue Apr 18, 2006 10:36 am

Xil wrote:P I N K.

thank you, anywho... yeah, she's OK. I that one song with the elephant and the bunnies always got stuck in my head.

I love you Dan.

Tue Apr 18, 2006 11:03 am

Igg wrote:
Ammer wrote:
Igg wrote:
Ammer wrote:
_lexxia wrote:
Wasn't it P!nk who wore a skimpy outfit in the "Lady Marmalade" video?

They all wore skimpy outfits.

I know, I was being rhetorical.


To make a point? It was the beginning of some sort of argument I was presenting.

What was the point?

The reason I ask is because I was hoping it was a better one than 'she's singing about 'stupid girls' who run around in skimpy clothes to impress people and was dancing around in her underwear in the Lady Marmalade Video'.
Because that would be a bad point. The song was about a high-class hooker. It was for the film Moulin Rouge. Therefore, makes sense that they'ddress like high-class hookers in the video, and they all did. S'called a costume, innit. And unlike Christina and L'il Kim, Pink (goddamn I hate that exclamation mark) didn't transfer that style to regular daywear ;)

Hm, good point.

Alas, I retract my statement.

Tue Apr 18, 2006 11:13 pm

Igg wrote:
Xil wrote:P I N K.

thank you, anywho... yeah, she's OK. I that one song with the elephant and the bunnies always got stuck in my head.

I love you Dan.

haha, Igg, you are my rock.

Fri May 05, 2006 12:45 am

I love Who Knew and Nobody Knows! They're my favorite songs. I love the live versions of them!

Mon May 22, 2006 1:50 pm

We share the same hometown, although she went to my rival high school (it's not urban at all, by the way, like the publicity about her might make you think...there was a barn across the street from my high school), so I've always supported her. It's nice to see a local person do well, and she is a talented singer.
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