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Sun Apr 15, 2007 6:14 pm

Some scary news,

If "Never Again" does not reach the Top 5 in Pop radio, RCA will force Kelly to record 3 more songs with Dr. Luke Gottwald (producer of SUBG) because RCA and Clive wanted to make a Pop record, similar to "Breakaway" but Kelly wanted to make a darker and more rock CD. So the deal was if "Never Again" fails and does not reach top 5, the album might get pushed back and kelly has to record 3 songs with luke. This is also the reason why the album wasnt released in February.

People from KCEXPRESS (very reliabke) have confirmed that this is in fact true. And luke Gottwald himself said that's the plan, when ask. He even bragged about it. Luke and Clive are also mad because Kelly turned down Luke as a produer for "My December".

I think that's ridiculous; "Never Again" shows how Kelly has moved away from the typical pop song and it shows maturity. And what, they want her to record three extra pop songs if this song doesn't do well?

Way to not give Kelly freedom.


Kelly's video for "Never Again",


Tue May 08, 2007 3:59 am

FINALLY. A press release!

http://www.prnewswire.com/cgi-bin/stori ... DATE=Kelly

The album comes out July 24.

Tue May 08, 2007 7:02 am

Hil wrote:FINALLY. A press release!

http://www.prnewswire.com/cgi-bin/stori ... DATE=Kelly

The album comes out July 24.


Some info on each song, I loved it!

Sat May 12, 2007 3:42 am

Even better news!

It has now been pushed to June 26.

http://music.aol.com/popeater/2007/05/1 ... ng-sooner/
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