Discuss music in any form from rock bands to Britney Spears' latest VMA performance. It's all good!
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Sat Jun 24, 2006 9:36 am

Been addicted lately to Kouda Kumi's (Kumi Kouda)
"Koi no tsubomi" (means "blossom of love") :lol:

Sun Jul 02, 2006 6:10 am

Current fav song is Running by Evermore, current fav band is Keane.

Sun Jul 02, 2006 11:41 am


I listen to them non-stop, no joke. Even when I'm sleeping, my iPod is on and it's connected to my charger while I listen to it.

Sun Jul 02, 2006 2:38 pm

Lately The Clash and Streetlight Manifesto have been dominating my music playlist. (Well, and AFI, but that goes without saying.)

(And yes! I'm so glad to see more people listening to Frou Frou.)

Tue Jul 04, 2006 8:50 am

Favorite bands? Eek. The Queers. :]

Second/third... Zombina & the Skeletones, and Dillinger Four.

Favorite songs..

The Queers --> [well, my favorite is a bit too profane... we'll go with second favorite] Yeah, Well, Whatever. [it's soooo catchy]

Zombina --> Nobody Likes You When You're Dead/You'd Scream if you Knew What I Did Last Halloween... The last, just cause of this line.. "oh my swe~et angel, don't ever treat me bad, because I'm completely sane now, but sometimes things go black.." Hehe.

Dillinger Four --> They're so horribly catchy.. Hn... Fuzzy Pink Handcuffs... OR... I Was Born on A Pirate Ship.

There's also MSI... But, eh... Three favorites is enough.

That is all.
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