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Sun Feb 12, 2006 5:35 pm

Whoops some mistake in the lyrics posted there.

Aww thanks Dawn :) That's always good to hear.

Just a note, some people mentioned that the piano seemed to drown out the vocals and sometimes it didn't but this feedback varied depending on what speakers the song was played on.

And yes, that is me playing the piano in the song.

Mon Feb 13, 2006 3:53 am

Do you record this at home or in a studio?

Mon Feb 13, 2006 11:16 am

Wow. Just wow.

The piano playing was fantastic, and the singing was top notch! And the lyrics are really good too.

Now, get onto your agent and tell him to hurry up and get your songs released in the UK, because trust me, you're looking at a song that will AT LEAST make it to #3.

Wed Feb 22, 2006 5:44 am

Oooh, very nice^_^ haha. I'll be waiting for THAT album to come out^_~

Wed Feb 22, 2006 5:51 am

Wow, I really like it! It's nice and inspiring :) Different from what you normally hear on the radio. Gives you a nice feeling while listening^_~ heh. Great job! With piano, singing and lyrics!

Thu Feb 23, 2006 4:26 am

Alex wrote:I demand a signed copy of your album the minute it is released ;)

I think everybody in the forums should get a signed copy... 6,400 users... You're gonna need a couple of Sharpies and an ice pack.

Fri Mar 03, 2006 8:37 am

Loved the chorus best, and I'm so proud that you played the piano yourself!

Thanks for the download. I tried a couple of weeks ago and it didn't work. Hmm.

*goes off humming*

Sun Mar 05, 2006 4:17 am

Lillie wrote:Loved the chorus best, and I'm so proud that you played the piano yourself!

Same here!

I just found out about this yesterday, but I can not stop listening to it. With most songs, I usually get tired after about three or four times in a row, and then more if there are other songs in between... but I keep clicking on this one just so it will play. It is my favorite song, now. =3

Great job, Yukio! Keep up the good work. ^-^

SuperFly and Harmony uploaded!

Thu Apr 06, 2006 3:52 pm

Hi guys! Two new songs have been added to MySpace called SuperFly and Harmony! Would love to have you listen to it and comment on what you like, what you didn’t and what you think could be improved on. On more exciting news, a video clip is currently being planned for SuperFly, so definitely have a listen and shoot over any ideas you may have. You never know, they might just be used!

The link is http://www.myspace.com/therealkym

SuperFly should automatically load. If you want to listen to Harmony, just click on it. It streams :)

Thu Apr 06, 2006 4:00 pm

Why do you keep posting weird bulletins on myspace? I was going to unfriend you but I've decided not to now on the account of cool music. :P

Thu Apr 06, 2006 4:01 pm

I swear that isn't me. I dunno why it's happening. I've changed my password so hopefully it doesn't happen anymore.

Thu Apr 06, 2006 10:45 pm

SuperFly is not something I would expect from you- you tend to not have such dance-able songs, they're usually a lot softer. I really like it, though. *grooves*

Harmony is also a lot different than your usuals, too. I like how this one focuses more on vocals than other songs though- we get to hear lots of your talent!

Hurry up and make me an album! And include My Addiction on it, too, because even though that song is old, it's still really good. :D

Fri Apr 07, 2006 1:29 am

Aww thanks Bangel :oops: heheh u making me blush.

Fri Apr 07, 2006 3:53 pm

Wow, "Superfly" is really catchy. Good job; I really love it.

"Harmony" shows off your vocals really well, good job.

Sat Apr 08, 2006 4:30 pm


Oh God, recolections of old Relient K and the song "Hello McFly" are now in my head. o_o
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